Her Bestfriend

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"I'm not walking home with you today, sen" Nancy told senju while she was packing up her stuff "Whyy?" Senju pouted, making nancy chuckle "I have volleyball practice, remember?" Nancy said "Ughh" Senju groaned as she also started to pack up her stuff "Come one, i'll make up for it" Nancy said as she took out her wallet but senju made an x sign with her pointer fingers "You don't have to, I'll watch you practice!" Senju grinned as nancy gave her a confused look "Huh? It's gonna be so boring though" "Don't care! now come on!" "Finee"

"Hey nancy, who's this?" Nancy's team mate asked, pointing to senju "This is my best friend, she wanted to watch me practice today" nancy replied as she swung an arm over senju's shoulder, making her tense up but immediately relaxed right after "You can sit over there so you don't get hit" Nancy pointed to a bench a bit far from the court but still had a pretty okay view "alrighty!" senju walked off to sit on the bench as nancy had left to get dressed into her volleyball jersey, she tied her hair in a ponytail and made sure she looked good before going out to play

"That senju girl is inlove with you dude!" Nancy's team mate smirked as nancy rolled her eyes at them "She's not, we're friends" nancy shrugged, making her team mate laugh

"That's what they all say~" "Oh shut up!"

"That was longer than i thought, sorry sen!" Nancy apologized as she gave senju some water "It's alright nance, let's go get pastries now!" "Okay, I'll pay for you"

"This is delicious!" Senju exclaimed as she took a big bite out of her egg pie "Mhm!" Nancy nodded with stars in her eyes as she took a bite out of her egg pie as well "Oh you got something on your cheek" Nancy pointed out "Huh? Where?" Senju asked as she tried wiping it off herself but failed horribly

"Here" Nancy brushed it off, slightly making her face close to senju's as senju gulped "O-Oh Thanks nance!" Senju's face was entirely red "No problem, sen" Nancy smiled as she went back to eating her egg pie

'Her face is flushed, how adorable' Nancy chuckled softly 'She didn't notice how red I am, how oblivious' Senju sulked as she took a big bite out of her egg pie

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