Mutual Feelings?

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"The Milkshakes Really Are Good" Senju Drank Her Strawberry Milkshake "Don't Drink So Fast,You'll Get A Headache" Nancy Said As She Sipped From Her Cookies And Cream Milkshake "Thank You For Taking Me,Nancy" Senju Blushed "I'll Take You On More Dates,Sen" Nancy Said "Well..If You Want Too Ofcourse" Nancy Scratched The Back Of Her Neck As Senju Smiled "I Would Love That".
"Woah! The View Here Is Amazing!" Senju Admired The Night Sky "This Is My Secret Spot You Know" Nancy Said As Senju Chuckled "Not Really Secret Now Since I Know" Senju Took A Coke From The Paper Bag,Nancy And Senju Went To 7/11 Before Going To The 'Very Secret' Spot "The Moon Is Beautiful,Isn't It?" Nancy Said As A Long Silence Engulfed Them "It Is.." Senju Replied As Both Of Them Turned Red "Sen.." "Nancy.."

Both Turned Their Heads Toward Eachother And Stared For About 1 Minute Before Nancy Cleared Her Throat "I Like You A Lot,I Would Be Happy If We Could Keep Going On Dates Like This.." Nancy Confessed As Senju Was Speechless 'She's Not Saying Anything..She Hates Me' Nancy Internally Cried "I-I Would Love That!" Senju Stuttered With A Redder Face Than Anger From Inside Out "R-Really!?" Nancy Was Shocked As Senju Nodded Aggressively "Yea! And I Like You A Lot Too!" Senju Confesses Loudly As Nancy Struggled To Stop Herself From Kissing Senju Right Then And There "I'm Glad.." Nancy Smiled Softly "I Love You,Nancy" "I Love You Too,Sen"
"Sen,We're At Yours" Nancy Stopped The Bike And Got Off "Eh? You Don't Need To Walk Me To My Door.." Senju Said As Nancy Refused "I Wanna Spend A Little Bit Of Time With You.." Nancy Smiled "O-Oh,Okay Then" Senju Walkes Stiffly Towards The Front Door

"T-Then This Is Goodbye hm.." Senju Said As Nancy Nodded "Goodbye,Sen" Nancy Was About To Walk Back To Her Bike Before "Wait,Nancy.." Senju Called Out "Yes-" Nancy Was Cut Off By A Peck On Her Cheek "Ah! Goodbye Then!" Senju Ran Inside The House And Slammed It Behind Her "Wow.." Nancy Touched Her Cheek Where Senju Landed A Kiss On 'Yes Yes Yes!!' Nancy Jumped Around In Joy As Senju Looked At Her From Her Bedroom Window 'So Cute..' Senju Thought As Nancy Looked At Her And Waved With A Huge Smile On Her Face "Such A Weirdo.." Senju Chuckled And Waved Back Before Closing The Curtain Only To Meet Eyes With Her Two Brothers.

" Senju Chuckled And Waved Back Before Closing The Curtain Only To Meet Eyes With Her Two Brothers

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Sanzu Haruchiyo- Long Haired Guy
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