New nancy..

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'Is she..cheating on me!?'

Nancy thought as she slamed her apartment door

'Is she having fun before the wedding..?no,she's not that kind of..' She worried as the memory of senju and that man kept replaying in her head over and over
'He's exactly the opposite of me!!'

'In the end,she too,prefers the other ones,huh?'
Nancy grit her teeth as she picked up a pair of scissors
Nancy rang the door bell as senju hurridly made her way to the door

"Coming! Ah,Sorry,Nancy!" She said as she unlocked the door and opened it "I completely overslep.." She cut herself off as her eyes widened

"W-what's with that...Short and red hair!!"

Senju exclaimed as nancy cleared her throat "ah..once we start living together,you'll see that i skip going to a beauty salon from time to time" Nancy said nonchalantly "Mhm.." Senju nodded with a bright look on her face

"But..i don't understand your betrayal after coming this far,let's talk about it,senju" Nancy said as senju's face was flushed "So cute.."  "What?!"
"Cheating!? Me!?" Senju let out in surprise as nancy was laying in senju's bed playing with her bunny plush

"I saw you hugging a guy,there's no use making excuses" Nancy said as senju went to the bed and cuddled her

"Only you caught my eye! Nobody else!!" Senju whispered in nancy's ear as nancy pushed senju's face away "Then,what the hell was that!?"
For everyone wondering what nancy's new hairstyle looks like,it's this

A/n:For everyone wondering what nancy's new hairstyle looks like,it's this

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*credits to pinterest

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