Stupid Spider

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Nancy groaned as she picked up the phone "Sen?" "Nancy! Thank god you answered" Senju exclaimed from the other side of the screen, making nancy yawn "What do you need, sen?" Nancy asked as she rubbed her eyes

"Money" "HA!?" "I'm joking!"

"Tanginang yan" Nancy cursed, making senju let out a laugh "Come over please, I need you" Senju said "Why?" Nancy asked "I'll tell you when you get here" Senju suddenly ended the call, making Nancy sit up from her bed "This girl.." Nancy was beyond irritated as she got up to shower

She parked her bike near the household's gate and knocked a few times before wondering 'Why isn't she answering?' Nancy her phone out of her pocket and message senju

Nancy turned off her phone and opened the akashi household's door "Anyone home?" Nancy looked around and was met by a long silence "Hurry nancy!!" Senju screamed from the top of her lungs "Sen!?" Nancy dashed to senju's room and froze "What the fu...

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Nancy turned off her phone and opened the akashi household's door "Anyone home?" Nancy looked around and was met by a long silence "Hurry nancy!!" Senju screamed from the top of her lungs "Sen!?" Nancy dashed to senju's room and froze "What the fuck?"

Senju was on top of her dresser and there was a little spider on her bed sheets

"Kill it!" Senju shouted "You, Senju, The leader of brahman, is scared of a baby spider?" Nancy bursted out laughing as senju's brow furrow in annoyance "Don't laugh! Just kill it already!" Senju was indeed terrified of this little spider and was about to start crying if Nancy didn't move quicker "Okay give me a sec"

Nancy went to the kitchen "Why're you going there?!" Senju didn't understand at all and thought nancy was about to leave her alone with that spider

"I went to get a cup and paper" "For what?"

"Just watch, coward" Nancy went towards the spider, She placed the cup on top of it and slid the paper below it so it doesn't escape 'Woah..So cool' Senju watched in astonishment, Nancy then went to window and slowly released the spider out of the room

"Easy, right?" Nancy smirked "Pshh-I can do that if i really wanted too!" Senju remarked as she got down from the dresser "Sureee"

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