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A Few Days After "Confrontation"

"So That's How She Replied And Maybe My Mom Will Listen To Me" Senju Grinned "mhm.." Nancy Nodded "I Showed Her I Was Serious And I Think She Understood" Senju Said As Nancy Slammed Her Pencil On The Table "Erm..Nancy?" Senju's Eyebrow Raised As Nancy Blankly Stared At Senju 'Is She Mad?Did I Do Something?' Senju Worried But Nancy Only Rubbed Her Body On Senju 'WHAT IS THIS!?' Senju Blushed Bright Red As Nancy Raised Her Head "Do You Love Me?"  'Huh!?'

"Ofcourse I Do! I Love You Nancy~" Senju Leaned In For A Kiss "Why Don't You Marry Me Yet?" Nancy Stopped Senju "Because I Want My Mother To Except Us Properly" Senju Replies

"You said it was bond that allowed us to be ourselves, A bond between you and me" Nancy pointed to senju then to herself "Yet,you're so concerned about people around you th-that you.." Nancy put her head down as she got another negative thought "Forget what i said,scratch that,okay?" Nancy said scratching her head as senju reached for her

"I won't forget what you said,i'm sorry i made you feel unsure" Senju hugged nancy "I don't feel unsure!" Nancy squirmed around in senju's hold but it only resulted in senju holding her tighter "I told you to share everything with me..i'm glad that you said that" Senju said

"What's with this fuzzy feeling? Because of what aika said to me the other day i feel even more fuzzy" Nancy mumbled 'Did i hear wrong??' Senju let go of nancy and held her shoulders "The other day?you saw him? Why?" Senju asked "I called him out because i wanted to knock him down" Nancy bluntly answered

"Why!? Despite all the danger she put you in, you called her out!?" Senju shouted "It's irritating not to settle the matter,i needed to feel relieved" Nancy said "Are you an idiot? You're actions don't match you words!!" Senju yelled "You know i've been careful!" Nancy yelled back "No,you haven't!!"

"If you aren't happy with what i did,you just gotta marry me,you..coward!!" Nancy insults "It's not that easy,idiot!!" Senju shouted as nancy got up and ran out the door "Nancy wait!"

'Just when i was about to convince my mother,nancy and i had a fight' Senju thought while tears fell from her eyes

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 | 𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗎 𝗄𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗀𝗂Where stories live. Discover now