Mad Senju!?

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"Nancy!" A Male Called As Nancy Ran Downstairs "Ryo!" Nancy Grinned As Ryohei Waved Happily "I Told You To Call Me Peh-yan!" Ryohei Said As Nancy Shaked Her Head "Nope! Peh-yan Sounds Weird" Nancy Bantered "It Does Not! It Sounds Cool!" Ryohei Retorted As Nancy Stuck Out Her Tongue "Does Not!" "Does Too!" Ryohei Said As A Laugh Escaped From Nancy's Mouth.

"It's Been A Long Time,Ryo" Nancy Said As Ryohei Ruffled Her Hair "You're Almost As Tall As Me!" Ryohei Pointed Out As He Checked Their Height Difference "Ha! I'm Still Taller!" Ryohei Smirked As Nancy's Eyes Widen And She Checked For Herself If It's True "It's Just A One Inch Difference!" Nancy Said As Ryohei Laughed Mockingly "I'm Still Taller!" Nancy Hit Ryohei In The Shoulder "Shut it!" Nancy Said As Ryohei Touched The Place Nancy Hit "So Meann" Ryohei Whined As Nancy's Eye Twitched "Arte Amp-"
"Psst Sen!" Yuzuha Called Out As Senju Walked Over To Her And The Girls "What Is It?" Senju Asked As Yuzuha Frowned "Nancy's Been Seen With Another Guy!" Hinata Said As Senju Eyes Widen "It Must Be A Mistake,Nancy Would Never Cheat On Me" Senju's Voice Shook "Hey..We Must Be Wrong,Nancy Loves You Like A Lot" Emma Dryly Chuckled As Senju Nodded "Yea! Nancy Wouldn't Do Such A Thing" Senju Said "Yea!" .
Nancy Was Talking To Ryohei As Senju Walked Towards Them Pissed Off "Can I Borrow Nancy For A Sec?" Senju Clenched Her Fists As She Glared Up At Ryohei "Uhm..Yea Sure-" Ryohei Felt The Dark Aura And His Sweat Dropped "Thanks" Senju Flashed A Fake Smile At Him Before Dragging Nancy Away From Him As Nancy Was Confused Of Her Girlfriend's Actions Towards Ryohei "What's Her Problem?" Ryohei Was Confused As Well.
"Senju Wait-You're Hurting Me-" Nancy Tried To Take Her Hand Away From Senju Since She Was Holding Her Hand Too Tight "Senju-Stop-" Senju Let Go Of Nancy As She Turned Around To Face Her "Senju-What's Up With You??" Nancy Asked Irritated "Me?? You're Talking With Some Other Guy Behind My Back!" Senju Yelled As Nancy Was Taken Aback From The Volume Increase "Huh?" Nancy Tilted Her Head In Confusion "Don't Act Like You Don't Know! You And That Guy Were So Close!" Senju Shouted "Ohhh..Are You Perhaps Jealous?" Nancy Asked As Senju's Face Turned Red From Anger "Yes! I'm Your Lover! How Couldn't I Be Jealous!?" Senju Snapped "Pfft-" Nancy Broke Out Laughing "Ha!? What Are You-" Senju Was Cut Off "He's My Cousin!" Nancy Laughed As Senju's Face Became Bright Red From Embarassment "W-Wait..HUH??" Senju Looked Down With Widened Eyes,Nancy Ruffled Senju's Hair As Senju Was Contemplating The Whole Situation.
"I'm So Sorry!" Senju Apologized As Ryohei Waved His Hands In Dismissal "It's Fine,You Didn't Know-" Nancy Was Cut Off "You Can Make Up For It With Buying Dinner-OW" Ryohei Was Kicked On His Side By Nancy "I'm Sorry,My Cousin Is Sick In The Head" Nancy Glared Down At Ryohei 'Is Violence Normal For The Hayashis?' Senju Thought As Ryohei Pulled Nancy's Hair And Nancy Slapped Him In The Face "Kawaragi Why Would You Date A Rabid Dog Like Her??" Ryohei Mocked As Nancy Stepped On His Foot Hard "Boom Deserve!" Nancy Flipped Her Hair "Ouch! You Little Shit!" Ryohei Stepped On Her Foot Twice As Hard "Mama Mo!" Nancy Pushed Him Away And Took Senju's Hand "Run!" Nancy Shouted As She Ran With Senju Away From Ryohei "Hoy!" Ryohei Yelled As Nancy And Senju Ran Faster "Blablabla!" Nancy Stuck Out Her Tongue As Muffled Yells Can Be Heard From Ryohei And Loud Laughter Escaped From The Mouth Of Both Girls.

"I'm So Sorry!" Senju Apologized As Ryohei Waved His Hands In Dismissal "It's Fine,You Didn't Know-" Nancy Was Cut Off "You Can Make Up For It With Buying Dinner-OW" Ryohei Was Kicked On His Side By Nancy "I'm Sorry,My Cousin Is Sick In The Head" ...

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Ryohei "Peh-Yan" Hayashi- Cousin Of Nancy Hayashi!
A/n-What Should The Ending Of This Book Be?

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