"I'm sorry"

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*the underlines are senju's pov

A month after the fight

Maybe it's the right time.From the way i've been avoiding her,i thought nancy would just come straight to my place.

Senju got on the train as music blasted in her headphones

Cause i haven't texted her since that day.

'Though the one who's always chasing from behind has always been me' Senju thought

The reason i'm always running away is because i don't want it to be over.but running away doesn't change anything.

Senju looked up to the sky as snow flakes fell on her face 'Not wanting to give up,also doesn't change anything.but..'

To keep on blindly clinging to it,just what can be gained from it?

"But really..what should i do.i really don't know anymore" Senju whispered to herself

"You look terrible" A voice said "What are you doing here,aika?" Nancy's eyebrow raised

Nancy went for a walk as she felt cramped in her own home,plus marie and mina asking questions about her love-life.

"I was worried about you,so i deliberately came to check on you" Aika replied "It's not like i asked you to come" Nancy mumbled "Was that supposed to be an insult?" Aika smirked

Nancy took a few steps back,"Shut up"

"Then..Just settle with me" Aika said "Listen you,it's not the time to be joking about this!" Nancy shouts "eh..just listen" Aika reached for nancy but she was easily pushed back by..

'senju!?' Nancy froze as senju had her arm on nancy's waist "Don't touch" Senju glared at aika

"Don't look" Senju tried covering nancy's eyes "Huh-Wait-" "We're leaving" Senju told aika "okay bye,bye!" Aika waved

"Then..Nancy i wish happiness for you" Aika said as nancy took senju's hand off her eyes "Ha!?" Nancy let out "Just repay me with a rank meat dinner treat next time!" Aika grinned while waving senju and nancy away "WHAT!?"

What the heck is this!?

"Here..here you go" Senju poured tea in nancy's cup

Up until now,nancy hasn't said a word at all but for her to come over,there could only be one reason.

Nancy's hand shook as tears fell from her eyes "Nance.." Senju went to nancy's side immediately "Sorry..sorry" Nancy put both hands on her face in embarassment "Why're you crying?" Senju asked while wiping nancy's tears "I can't help but to cry,alright!?" Nancy shouted as senju hugged her while she cried "Enough" Nancy pushed senju off

"Senju,you have something to say to me,right?" Nancy folded her arms
"Hurry up and get it over with" Nancy mumbled as senju took a deep breath

"Let's get married!!" "Alright!"

Senju and nancy froze "WHAT!?"

"Shouldn't the topic be let's break-up and just be friends??" Nancy blinked multiple times in confusion "Eh? Is that so?" Senju tilted her head in confusion

Nancy sighed,"How dare you propose to me now,I'm pissed off right now,and if you only said that to calm me down..i'll really hate you" Nancy took senju by the collar and glared at her

"You love me,right?" Senju asked "So,why does that matter now?" Nancy's eye twitched in annoyance

"I love you too,the only person i want standing by my side is you" Senju cupped nancy's face in her hands "Y-you're just saying that to make the situation better,aren't you?" Nancy stammered as senju's cheeks became red and looked away "When i thought of aika as your special someone..my head just started becoming weird,just thinking of you..so i realized i was-" Senju got cut off by nancy putting a pillow to her face

"Nancy,are you mad at me?!" Senju said as she took the pillow of her face 'So the time she was acting weird,was because she was jealous?' Nancy looked down in shame as she took a deep breath

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"Nancy,are you mad at me?!" Senju said as she took the pillow of her face 'So the time she was acting weird,was because she was jealous?' Nancy looked down in shame as she took a deep breath

"For a month,i've done a lot of thinking..what if you weren't by my side anymore,what would i do" Nancy said "And so.?" Senju's brow raised

"What would happen to my meals?" Nancy replied "Am i your cook!?"

"I wouldn't know how it'd taste anymore,whatever i eat,it's tasteless..i really want to eat your cooking so badly.." Nancy said "I don't sleep properly,when i'm alone,It's the first time in my life that i've have restless nights" Nancy scratched her the back of her neck

"It's laughable,isn't it..You've always been by my side and i've taken you for granted" Nancy said "I'm a hopeless idiot,up till now,i've brought you nothing but sadness" Nancy chuckled lowly

Senju took nancy's hands and clasped it in her's "I want to stay by your side forever" She said "E-erm.."

"i forgive you" Senju and nancy said in sync as their cheeks were both red

"I am hopelessly in love with you,be thankful i'm so nice and kind" Senju grinned "I know.." Nancy smiled

She hugged senju "You still love me,no matter how slow i am,i got that message" Nancy said as both females faces were so close that they could feel eachothers hot breath "Idiot.." Senju muttered before pushing her lips onto nancy's.

A/n-Two more chapters until
'crush culture' is done!!

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