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*Nancy and senju are about 25-26 now

Nancy,Senju and Nancy's parents Are In A Famous Restaurant As Senju Was Going To..

"Erm..Sir,ma'am" Senju catched nancy's parents attention "Today,i would like you to allow me to marry nancy" Senju said as nancy's hands shook anxiously waiting for their response

"Huh? How come you're so formal?" The mother chuckled "I've been thinking about this since you two started dating!" The mother smiled

"Please take care of my daughter" The father said as senju grinned "Thank you for accepting!"
"Senju,did you tell your parents?" The mother asked "Her parents are overseas on business" Nancy replied "I told them about nancy on the phone but even i haven't seen them in recent years" Senju chuckled lowly "They'll be back in two weeks,right?" Nancy asked as she thought 'I haven't met them either'

"They must be gorgeous," The mother complimented "I'm not sure if nancy really suits being senju's partner" The mother said as nancy's eye twitched in annoyance "What do you mean?"

"You should become more beautiful,get your hair done and go to a beauty salon" The mother taunted as senju cleared her throat

"Nancy is already beautiful enough,what will happen if she gets even more beautiful? Especially to me..." Senju said whispering the last part to her parents as both parents laughed leaving nancy in a state of confusion
Next week

" tired" Nancy groaned as she stretched her limbs while walking home 'I'll buy some candy on the way' She thought as she saw a certain someone

It was senju,she was in a cat cafe alone while on her phone.

'I'll surprise her!!' Nancy grinned as she was going to enter the cafe but stopped

A man who looked like he was in his mid 20s hugged senju and she looked so happy while he did.

'Eh..!!' Nancy eyebrows furrowed as she turned around and ran away

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