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"Just get a Spree! I can't pick you up this time!" My friend, Avya laughed over the phone.

"Noo! Avya, please!" I pleaded.

"I don't get why you're always so scared to get a Spree," she teased. "I get them all the time and I'm fine!"

"What if they're a crazy homicidal maniac?" I said. In California you can never be too careful.

"Look, Kat, nothing's gonna go wrong. I'll meet you there," Avya said confidently pressing on one of her fake nails.

"Wait, but-" I said before she hung up leaving me to make my own decision. What was I supposed to do now?

I took a deep breath and looked through my closet, knowing I had to take the risk and take a Spree. I wouldn't be able to find a ride otherwise. Eventually, I settled on an outfit for clubbing. It was small, and I felt exposed but I thought about what Avya would be wearing, she would probably be the same, if not more exposed. She was so bold and carefree. Taking a Spree didn't bother her. Outfits like this wouldn't bother her.

As I curled the ends of my hair I thought about our night. As much as I felt like something was going to go wrong, it wasn't. Avya was right, and it's time I be more bold like her.

My mind was racing as I pulled out my phone and downloaded the Spree app. My hands were trembling as I signed in and requested a Spree. I took a deep breath, I know nothing it going to go wrong tonight.

"Kurt," my phone displayed his name.

"Calm down, Kat. I'm sure he's just a normal guy," I tried to reassure myself as the Spree pulled up. It was a silver car. I took a deep breath as he rolled down the window.

"I'm Kurt. I think I'm your Spree." He smiled and I noticed how he shook slightly.

I was reluctant, but I took a breath and opened the door. I sat down and looked at the ceiling of the car. The bright neon LED lights tracing the roof caught my attention. Bottles of water were in the pockets behind the front seats. I looked at the window to notice a camera. And I looked again to see every single window had a camera.

"So... Club Meteor, right?" he asked, breaking the silence.

I fixed my attention back up to him feeling my lungs tighten and my body tense. My brain was running and my body wanted to.

"What? Oh, uh, yeah- yeah. Club Meteor." I stammered, grabbing my phone out my purse and taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

The doors locked and Kurt started driving. More than anything I want to do this on my own.

"You seem nervous," He said and glanced back. The observation only made me feel worse. I nodded.

"Yeah... yeah. I don't really ride Sprees." I gulped and opened my phone, the light shining on my lap as I considered messaging Avya.

"Hm? Why is that?" He asked, the smile on his face still there. He had bags under his eyes and they were a bit wide.

"Oh, uh, well... It's just... What if the driver was a crazy homicidal maniac.  " I admitted, my gaze shifting to one of the cameras.

He nodded chuckling. "Yeah, I know," he replied softly.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes after that. I wasn't one for small talk, but I think the silence only makes me feel worse.

"So, what are the cameras for?" I spoke up, watching them blink.

"Oh, it's for both of our safety," he explained shrugging slightly, turning the wheel.

Rush! (Kurt Kunkle x OC) Where stories live. Discover now