Little A/N

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Hi. It's me, the author. I'm here for a couple reasons. First of all I want to thank you.

I released this less than a week ago and it already has over 300 views. I got to number one on #KurtKunkle

So thank you much

One night I was angry and bored, so I released all of my drafts. (Well, most)

The next night I looked and saw my two chapters had votes and comments. So of course me being mentally ill, grinded and wrote 4 chapters in one night.

So the chapter I just released scared me to release. I'm not gonna lie. I've read so much horrible shit on Wattpad. But this is my horrible shit.

I rewrote it twice. I'm not even kidding. I've never actually wrote shit like that so I'm nervous for the feedback.

It took me a lot of will power to release that. Well, I haven't yet. But by the time you're reading this I have.

So thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm so sorry for how bad it is.

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