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We hit 10k!!!! Sooo I thought MAYBE as a thank you, I could FINALLY release another chapter.


When I said today was going to be a new day I meant it.

I made a game plan for myself. Something that can make this easier for me. Increase my chances of getting out of this.

And I stared at where my ring finger was supposed to be.

The only way to get out of the storm is to run through it.

Upon Kurt coming into the bathroom, it started. When he opened the door, I freezed.

Don't freak out.

Don't. Freak. Out.

I stayed still as he walked towards me.

"Hello..." He said and pulled out his phone. I took a deep breath. The camera was on me, and I could feel it.

"You look so pretty right now." He told me. I stayed still. Just watched him. He slowly sat down right next to me. "I wanted to show you that stream from last night. It got so many views!"

He shoved his phone screen in my face and started a video. I sat and rewatched it all. Looking at the live comments made me sick. Watching him do it all again made me sick.

But I couldn't stop watching. Every cut and bruise. The sound of my finger coming clean off. It was all just in my head.

Soon he paused the video and I got out of my daze. I realized his arm was resting around my shoulder, and looked at him. The arm made me feel helpless, like any moment he could just choose to snap. And kill me.

"The live got five thousand joins!" He said and smiled. I forced a very small smile on my face and nodded.

He pulled his arm around me tighter and hugged me. I felt my throat tighten.

"You're probably so hungry. I'll make you some food!" He said and got up. I sat there. He grabbed the shackle on my ankle and unlocked it.

Then, he walked out.

Without even closing the door. It... actually worked. I felt my stomach. I was kind of hungry.

I sat there while I could hear noises from the other room.

I sighed and looked at the cameras in the room. This is just a start. I have to be strong.


As soon as a woke up the next morning I knew i had to show her. I was expecting her to scream, try to run, something. But she didn't!

I think she loves me.

She sat there and even let me hug her. I just had to bring her to her senses.

I made a pot of spaghetti to my best ability. It's a romantic food. And that's what we have. Romance!

Everyone really loves her.


Word Count: 467

Rush! (Kurt Kunkle x OC) Where stories live. Discover now