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I'm bent over the toilet catching my breath. I gag again, but I hold it down.

I want to die. But, I won't. I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in a couple days. So I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth.

I divert my eyes as I sit back down. If I look at the blood, I'll lose it again. So I sit in my chair looking at the bowl in front of me. I play with the "romantic" meal he made.

You need to eat. So I finally pick it up and take a bite. If i think about it, I'll lose it again. I know I will. Just stop thinking about it. After the first bite i gag and try my best to keep it down.

Then another bite. And another. I slowly eat the food on my plate. I hear his footsteps walking back out, and just stare at the plate. It feels like the hardest thing in the world to keep eating. I close my eyes and breath.

"Do you know how many viewers you get?" Kurt asks with a smile. I keep down my food and barely look up. "Every time you're on screen, the views double, triple even!" I know that camera is on me.

I nod softly. "We should probably give them what they want. You know?" I slowly look up. He leans in and kisses me and I immediately coiled back. He opens his eyes again and looks at me.

Oh no... what if he gets mad.

"Kurt-" Before I can get another word in he grabs the back of my neck and kisses me. My eyes are wide, and I remember, I have to pretend to like him.

He pulls away and I catch my breath. Then he just looks at me. I look back because I don't know what to do. His eyes get softer and he moves his hand to the side of my face. He leans in again and kisses me. I close my eyes. I don think he's mad.

But now I want to vomit even more.


I kissed her. Her lips tasted sweet. They were soft. I want her to know no man could love her like I do. This will go more than just the kiss.

She doesn't understand, but she will.


Word Count: 389

Rush! (Kurt Kunkle x OC) Where stories live. Discover now