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I look out the window, holding the capsule containing Avya's ashes and wonder if I made the right decision leaving. The sun was starting to go down.

"Were you at a funeral?" The driver asks. I wince and look up.

"Yeah... I was." I thought about how weird and insensitive that was to ask before looking in the rear-view mirror.

I freeze as I recognize the driver. This wasn't the first time I've been in his Spree. I look at all the windows seeing the cameras.

"Hey, you..."

"I was your Spree driver a couple weeks ago? I know." He says with a smile. I look in the rear view mirror again. He's looking right at me. He has wide eyes.

A shiver goes down my spine. I bit my nail looking at one of the cameras hoping it's just nerves.

"I definitely recognize you." He mumbles his eyes on the road.

I wanted to not care like Avya did. I wanted to feel safe and okay just like Avya did. But I just wanted to get out.

"Remember my name?" He asks.

"Uh..." I barely reply, not knowing what to say.

"That's okay, you will." He says and laughs. I look out the window. I recognized where we were, we were 15 minutes from my house.

"Kurt." He says when I don't reply. "Youre Katie Richards." He smiles.

"W-what? How do you..." I tried to stay calm, trying to give him benefit of the doubt, I know he can see my name on the Spree app, he could have a good memory.

"Well you're just so special, so pretty." This made me feel even worst. It didn't feel like he had a good memory.

I cower and look out the window, we're not far from my house, I could walk. I wanted to more than stay in his car.

"You know, just drop me off here." I say trying to keep a calm voice. I wanted to be anywhere besides his car at the moment.

"Uhh, no..." He says and looks out the window as he passed the turn.

"I don't want to... I need to be dropped off here." I try opening my door but the lock was broken. I pulled the handle hoping something would happen but it stayed closed.

Look, you have to let me out. I'm just going to walk all the way back. I don't-" I try to convince him before he cuts me off.

"Why would you leave?" He says and throws his arms in the air. "We have such a great thing, the fans love you, I love you."

I cower feeling more unsafe than I ever have. He's psychotic. I was terrified. My eyes filled with tears.

"Please, let me out." I beg, feeling myself start to cry out of panic. He starts driving even faster.

I switch to sitting behind his seat and look out the window. The lock was gone but I could see from the light shining into this side that if I stuck my finger inside I could get it opened.

The car was going fast and I would probably get hurt jumping out. I went back to the other side and looked at him. He had a huge smile.

He came to a red light and I knew this was my chance. As soon as the car slowed down I pushed my finger into the lock and opened the door running out.

The car screeched and came to a stop. He ran out and looked at me. "Katie, Katie, come on, come one." He looked at me with crazy eyes and waved me towards him. I looked back before running through trees.

I heard his footsteps running behind me and it got even scarier. I saw a fence and climbed over it hitting concrete. I looked up and saw buildings. I was in the back alleys and I didn't see an opening.

It was getting darker and I ran through the alley when I heard him hit the concrete. I was terrified and ran even faster. As he slowly catched up with me I felt like I was going to vomit.

Tears spilled out of my eyes as I was met with a dead end. The fence was too tall for me to climb.

I froze and he tackled me to the concrete. The air flew out of me and I squirmed as he sat on my stomach.

"I love you so much. I won't hurt you!" He rubs my face and I see the camera in his hands. He has a rag and he shoves it in my face.

I try to scream but it gets muffled. I tried clawing his arm away but he ignored it. I couldn't even say anything.

"Shh... shh it's okay." I hear before I fall limp and my eyes flutter closed.


I carry her sleeping body back to the car and place it in the trunk. I would put her in the front but if she woke up, I don't know what she would do.

I sat in the front seat and looked at my camera. My heart was pumping and I had a huge smile on my face. We were meant to be.

I looked at the comments not knowing what to say. I had the love of my life all to myself.


I smile and look back at the backseat, knowing she's in the trunk. I say the only thing I can muster out.

"Well that was a RUSH."


Word Count: 932

Rush! (Kurt Kunkle x OC) Where stories live. Discover now