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"I remember them pulling out her body and putting it on stretcher." I told her and wiped my tears.  "How they put the sheet over her. I just had to accept it... she was dead."

I looked at her mom and she was crying.

She hugged me tightly and cried into my shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly.

"I'm so sorry dear. I'm so sorry. I wish you didn't have to see that." She tells me. I nod my head.

"I'm glad it was me... nobody else had to be hurt..." I said quietly, trying to speak through my tears.

"Ever since she suffered from Bulimia... I just had this feeling..." She said in a quiet voice. "This feeling like... something bad was going to happen to her... and it did..." She told me and gulped. I wiped my eyes again.

"I... I don't think it was Bulimia that killed her. It just doesn't seem right." I looked at her. She looked at me for a second before nodding. "She had been clean for over a year... I'm pretty sure. How would it kill her now?" I asked.

"Maybe you're right... but I don't want to spend the rest of my life figuring out what it was." She told me.

"One day, I'll figure it out, and when I do I'll tell you." I replied.

"I want you to have something." She looked at me. I tilted my head. I looked at her hand as she held it out and opened her palm.

On her palm was a small capsule. She handed it to me and looked in my eyes.

"They're her ashes?" I asked. Her mother replied by nodding.

"In the capsule... I think it's important you have this." She wiped her eyes. There was a chain on it to wear around your neck.

I held it to my heart.

"I need to go." I told her in a quiet voice.

"I understand." She replied, standing up. I stood up with her and we walked to the door.

"Can I come back?" I asked, knowing her reply.

"Of course." She told me. "You're always welcome here." We walked down the stairs.

We don't say anything else, she stands with me as I wait for my Spree. Avya wasn't scared of stupid stuff like this. I just wanted to be more like her, more now than ever.

I watch over my phone seeing him near. When the silver car pulls up, I hug Avya's mom again before getting into the Spree and waving goodbye as he drives away from her driveway.


I make another round around the house.


"She's going to come I'm telling you."

I knew if she didn't leave soon I would have to wait a long while to try again. I was low on gas and my chat was slow.

As soon as my phone lights up I grab it and look.

Katie needs a ride

I grin, knowing it was going to be me and her now. The chat goes faster.

"Guess who just requested a ride." I say in a happy voice and show my phone to the camera. I feel giggly. My heart is pumping faster.


Word Count: 540

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