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It was one week since she died. When the results of her death came back, it said her death was due to her eating disorder finally catching up with her. They said it was probably the Bulimia and the mix of drinking all night, that caused some freak accident to happen.

But for some reason, I didn't believe them. I didn't believe a single word of it. I wanted to but I couldn't.

Since her death it's been hard. I've barely slept, I've barely ate, and I've barely got out of bed.

I haven't been able to live. The eye bags on my face were more prominent and I only ate when my mom came over with food.

My mom tried to get me to do things like eat, sleep, and bathe, but she gave up. I gave up too. Life isn't the same. Every-time I close my eyes I see her body again.

The funeral was soon, which I hated. It solidified even more that I was never going to see her again. The worst part was that I had to see her family. I loved Avya's family. Her family loved me.

But I was the one who found her dead, and I knew all eyes were gonna be on me. I didn't want to be the center of attention. Her mother and father were having the funeral at their house. That shouldn't be something parents have to do.

No parent should have to be there for their child's death. Avya had two siblings. Her sister, Claire was 27 and pregnant. Avya was so excited to be an aunt. Avya told me how excited she was to spoil the kid. Her younger brother, Jordan who's 18 was just about to graduate highschool. She helped him pick a college and I know how much she would've loved to see him graduate.

Everyone loved her. She was just a great person to be around. I don't know how life  will move without her.

My door knob turned and my door opened. I looked up to see my mom.

"I knew you would be in here." My mom said with a sour face. She threw a black dress at me. "Put this on."

I sat up and looked at the dress. "I... I don't like this." I said and looked at the dress.

"Katie, we don't have time. Just put it on. Maybe if you had went shopping with me to get it like I asked you too." She said and looked through her purse. I didn't say anything else, though I wanted to.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom while my mom styled her hair in my mirror.

After I put it on I looked in the mirror at it, it was basic and ugly. The neck was weird  and the sleeves were to my elbows. It felt awkward.

I put on the stockings that came with it which didn't make me feel any better. When I came back out my mom was still at my mirror.

"It looks fine on you." She said and put in one of her earrings. I pursed my lips, not knowing what to say. "Do your makeup, you look kinda dead." She shrugged.

"Funny." I replied and sat down at my desk. I wanted to scream at her for how little she cared. She didn't even cry when she found out Avya died. I knew Avya for almost ten years. My mom knew her for almost ten years. She barely cared.

I did my makeup, covering up my eye bags and putting more color in my face. My mom came behind me and started brushing out my hair.

"Jesus christ..." She said getting out the knots.

"Stop, you're moving my head too much." She ignored me and kept brushing. I waited till she stopped to put on mascara.

My mom grabbed my hair again and started braiding some of it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just making it look nice." She shrugged and kept doing it. I finished my makeup and looked in the mirror while she finished up my hair. "Nice right?" She asked and moved my head so she could get a better angle.

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