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I heard heavy footsteps walk through the house. They got louder as they reached me.

I closed my eyes and let my body go limp. I pray this works again.

The door opened and Kurt walked in. Once again, he walked infront of me and stopped.

But this time he took a picture. I saw the light of the camera click.

After a couple seconds he chuckled and started walking away. Thank god. How long is this going to last?

A camera click isn't the worst thing that ca---

Instead of walking to the door he walked to the opposite side of the bed. I internally freaked out as he laid down on it.

Backtrack please. Walk out please. My heart started pumping again.

He grabbed my "sleeping body" and pulled me close. Shit. Shit. Shit.


Was my only thought as he cuddled me. I couldn't stop now or he'd know I was faking it.

He placed his chin on the top of my head and I try to not flinch. I hear him let out another little laugh.

What is happening? Don't move. Don't breath. Don't flinch.

"You know I know you're not actually asleep." He said. I feel my stomach sink.

"You might have tricked me the first time, but there are cameras in here. It was pretty funny to see you pretend to be asleep when you saw me walking nearby."

I felt a blush paint my face, from embarrassment of course.

"I'm just glad you let me get this close without struggling." He mutters. I open my eyes and see the ear to ear grin he has on his face.

"There you areee. Nice to see you again." He says. I quickly try to pull my arms out and he laughs.

When I get them out from under his, I start pushing and shoving against him.

"Shh no, now's not the time to struggle." He says in a gentle voice. "We're gonna do a couple things. Viewers choice of course."

What is he talking about? He gets up and I look him in the eye.

"What things.?" I ask in a quiet voice. I hear a clink and feel pressure off of my ankle.

"You'll see." He replies. My stomach growls and I shake. "C'mon, let's go." He orders me. I slowly get up.

My body feels like I'm gonna collapse any minute. Out of all the people for this to happen to, why did it have to be me.

I always thought if I had to sacrifice myself to make sure that horrible thing doesn't happen to someone else, I would. But right now, I would give anything to be at home.

In my mother's arms. I don't care what she said. I just want my mom.

I start walking to the door, where Kurt is standing. It's better than being forced to. I graze shoulders with him as I walk out. He puts his hand on my back in a comforting way.

I want nothing more than for it to be off. He pushes the door open to the original room I woke up in. The bathroom.

He grabbed his camera and started talking.

"Hey guys, I'm back. Hope the break wasn't too long." He had a smile on his face. I curled up in the corner. Knees to chest.

He's a fucking psychopath. Whatever he's gonna do I don't have enough strength to fight back. I just pleaded and prayed to whatever god was out there that it would protect me.

How stupid.

"She's awake now. So I think we're about ready." I can feel him walking over to me. The camera on me.

He then sits next to me and I turn my head away from him. He leans his phone over so I can see it. I can't help but glance over at what he's doing.

He writes three numbers.




And submits them. It's a poll. I look at the votes. Kurt just watches me and smiles. The numbers slowly increase and decrease. I watch the time in the corner. Five seconds.

The poll numbers are like waves. The option people choosing constantly changing. Three seconds.

I don't even know what they mean. What's his plan. My knuckles turn white as I tighten my fists. One second.

And just like that it's over. Number one gets chosen, with a high 62%.

"Would you look at that." He says with a smile. He takes a picture of him next to me before he stands up.

I watch him as he walks up to the counter.

"What does 1 mean?" I ask, terrified. He grabs something and turns back around. I see he's holding a pocket knife.

It glimmers from the dim light on the ceiling. He walks towards me..

"Kurt? What does that mean?!" I yell this time. I shake horribly.

He gets on my level and puts the camera a couple feet away. I realize what's about to happen and gulp. There's no god to save me.


God, I love it when she says my name.


Word Count: 862

Rush! (Kurt Kunkle x OC) Where stories live. Discover now