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"Noo, I don't like S-prees!" I told Avya bumbling out. She waved to the guy behind her who she had been flirting with all night.

"C'monnnn we can go back to yourss and geta lil freaky." She said and leaned into me laughing.

"You're so annoying." I tried to contain my laughter and pushed her away slightly. "Why don't we take your carr?"

"I tolld you. It iss in the shop." She said with her eyes clothes. "I'm ordering a spee right now!" She opened her spree app before typing the information into her phone.

"Nooooo!" I said and put my head on her shoulder. "We should just go with that guy you were flirtingg withh. I know you got his number!" I looked back at him. She grabbed me.

"No... stop. We're taking... a... spreee." She glanced back at him not wanting us to grab his attention. She hiccuped and checked her phone.

"Ughh." I groaned.

"It's literally right around the corner cmonnn." She pulled my hand as a silver car pulled up. She opened the door and pulled me in. I leaned on her and opened my phone taking a pic.

"Ur suuuch a bitchhh." I said, snapping two photos.

"You love me." She tried to conceal her laughter.

"Stopppp. Always." I told her back. I brought my phone up and we took a selfie. "I'm better than any man." I said and looked up at her.

The car started moving and I tried to stop myself from laughing.

Avya snorted and we both started laughing really hard. She hit my shoulder as she laughed and I leaned into her.

The car came to a sudden stop. We both jolted forward. A red light. "You were such a baby. No!! I'm scared of Sprees!!" She mimicked in a high pitched voice.

"Shush. Be quiet. I want that drink you gave me again." I told her and closed my eyes.

"It wasn't even that good. You're crazy." She looked at me.

"You know what wasn't even that good, the guy you were talking to tonight. He was a five at best." I put my hand over my mouth covering my smile.

"Oh whatever." She said and pulled out her phone opening TikTok.

I leaned on her shoulder as we watched the videos in her favorites, laughing loudest every one even if they weren't actually all that funny.

The car stopped and I looked out my window to see we were in front of my house.

"Oh my god." I said. We got out of the car and she sent a rating to the driver. We stumbled to my doorstep and I pulled the door open. We fumbled inside and I took another selfie.

"Take another one I didn't look hot in that." She grabbed my phone.

I posed as she took a picture and dropped my purse down.

We went to my room and both jumped onto my bed.

"Can I stay here for the night?" She asked and smiled. I nodded and smiled.

"I'm gonna post these." I mumbled and showed her my phone.

"Wait, let me check them all first." She said as I handed her my phone. She scrolled through them and nodded before smiling. "I like them." She handed it back to me and I posted them.

"I titled it man last night was a movie." I told her. We both started laughing.

"Noo, not that cringey shit!" She hit my leg.

"Yes!" I yelled back.

"Kitty?" She called.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Should I call him back?" She asked and leaned in so our faces were almost touching.

"No... he was stupid anyway." I laughed as she opened her phone. "Want to look through the fridge?" I asked.

"Oh my god , yes." We walked to the kitchen and looked in my kitchen for snacks. She leaned on the counter and drank half of the water bottle from her purse.

"Where did you even get that?" I asked and laughed.

She burped. "The Spree!" She put the water bottle back down onto the counter. "Stay hydrated!" She stuck her tongue out.

"I havve water!" I grabbed my water filter and shakily poured it into my own cup. I said and chugged down my cup.

"Shut uppp!" She responded and choked on her water going into a coughing fit. I laughed and she did too even though she was coughing. Eventually it was just laughter.

"Did the cigarettes finally catch up with you?" I asked and snorted.

"Noo. I quit a week ago." She replied.

"You quit every other week!" She hit my shoulder.

"Shush! I'm going to the bathroom!" She coughed again.

"Okay but be quick because I might have a little tequila in the freezer." I smiled and winked.

She walked off still coughing.


"Her friend grabbed the water." I said quietly. I looked at my chat thinking about what to do.


What if she drinks it? I can't just let her die like that. She gets so much traction.

"You know what.." I watched as they went inside and glanced through the window. They went to the back of the house and I pulled to the side before getting out taking my camera. "I'll just watch and make sure."

I snuck up to the window and watched carefully.


Word Count: 891

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