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Little warning, this ain't cute. This ain't love. I've yet to hold back to what I write. Most people who are reading this have also watched the movie, and know it isn't, but if you haven't, this isn't all cutesy.



I can feel the cool tiled floor on my skin. Yet I feel myself sweating. My head and back throb. I roll over looking at the ceiling. I'm curled over and shaking.

I remember everything vividly. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep. I didn't know why I was there, but I knew who brought me there.

When I finally looked at my surroundings, I realized it was a bathroom. The bathroom was dimly lit and cold.

I see a shine of light and realize there's a cuff around my foot. It was connected to a metal bar that was holding up the sink.

When the door knob turns and squeaks open I jump looking at the door. Kurt is standing there with a camera in his hand. I sit up and back away from the door.

He walks over to me and I'm frozen unable to move. My eyes watch him, wondering what he's doing.

"Hey Kitty." He draws out with a smile. It makes me feel even worse. I trembled and cower.

He gets on my level and grabs my face. I try grab his hand and move it away from my face. The camera is so close and he moves my head around as if to get every angle.

Sstopp.." I barely mutter out as he continues. I weakly try to get him off me.

"You're just so pretty and perfect. Why would I stop?" His grip on my face got tighter. "They love you so much." He tells me.

He gets closer, looking in my eyes before he leans in and kisses me. My eyes are wide open and I'm frozen.

When he pulls away he smiles and looks at the camera again.

"That's just a sneak peak for you guys." He says to it like it's a real person. I feel even more terrified.

"You're so perfect. I love you so much. They love you so much."

"What?" I cry. He points to the upper corner of one of the walls and I realize the camera. The light blinks indicating it's on and I gulp.

"I have hundreds of people watching live right now." He tells me. "Well, you know, they're also so I can watch you." He tells me. I feel his thumb skim my face and wipe my tears though I didn't even realize I was crying.

He looks down at my black dress.

"You must be so uncomfortable still wearing that funeral dress." He pouts. I realize what he means and there's a pit in my stomach.

"W-wait, no-" Before I can finish he grabs the skirt and pulls it up as high as he can. Half the dress is off and I gasp in fear. "N-no! Stop!" I squirm.
He grabs the skirt and starts pulling the dress up. I start screaming.

I get his eye and he pulled back, screaming. He held his eye. I try to crawl to the door. I feel myself collapse right at the edge.

I saw the chain reach it's end. He laughs and pulls me back.

"You know what, I'm about fed up with those things." He said standing over me. I freeze.

He gets up and leaves the room. I try to pull the shackle off of me. It's attached to the wall. I try to get it off of me and get out.

He walks back in and I crawl under the sink and put my knees to my chest. I cry into my legs.

He walks up to the counter and leans down.

"This'll help." He says with a grin. It's a bottle with weird brownish-green liquid inside. He grabs my throat and forces the weird liquid down it.

It burns in my throat as it goes down. The feeling as if I had just vomited.

I struggle before it sets in. My entire body just goes calm. I can't move. My face is the only thing not affected.

"That's better.." He says and smiles. I cry and beg as he cuts my nails. He brings my hand up to me as he finishes it. "Look at that." He says. They're gone to nothing.

"Now let's get you a bath." He tells me.

"Please. No." I quietly plead.

"Don't worry I'll make sure it's nice and warm." He says before undressing me. There's nothing I could do. I just cried as he undressed me.

Kurt put me in the warm bath and washed me as the water mixed with my tears.

He told me about Bobby, who used to live here. How he killed him. In great detail. I just layed there.

My tears ran dry. There's nothing I could do.

Once the bath lost it's heat, he picked me up and took the shackle off the wall.

"I like this Katie better. You're quiet. You're gentle. Just like the first time you were in my Spree."

He brought me to a bedroom and dried me off. He dressed me in some clothes, some that I assume were his.

I heard the clink! as the shackle connected to the bed frame. He tucked me in and left the room. I moved my eyes over to the corners to see, more cameras.

I feel it sink in. This was where I was stuck. Whatever higher power there is out there, help me..


I close the door and let out a deep breath. When I look at my stats, I smile. Whatever higher power there is out there, thank you.

I read the old chats as I fall asleep. I know she'll love this as much as I do her one day. If anything she should be thanking me. I'm making her something.


Word Count: 922

Rush! (Kurt Kunkle x OC) Where stories live. Discover now