Chapter 1 - Kadabra

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It has been a few weeks since Senki fell into Hisui.

The first few days of surveying had completely knocked out the girl. Pokemon were wonderful creatures to observe and research, but Senki could feel her back-breaking the moment she collapsed on her futon every night. After every excursion, Senki would sleep like a log.

Well, not tonight. Her eyelids were as light as a feather. She knew she had to get a good night's sleep, but she just couldn't.

Her Pokemon were sleeping soundly on her futon.

Except for Kadara.

She stared at the Pokemon sitting on the floor, staring directly into her soul, as if it knows her deepest secret. She recalled meeting it for the first time. It was still an Abra back then. It was sleeping and she caught it off guard from afar. Did it get enough sleep as an Abra or something? After all, Professor Laventon did write in the Pokedex that it sleeps 18 hours a day.

Tired of having a staring contest with the Pokemon, Senki peered out her window. It was dark outside. The light stopped shining out from the windows of each house, each with bright lamps hanging outside each house. Yet, there was a ray of light shining out from one of the windows in the Galaxy Hall. She felt compelled to investigate it.

Picking herself up, she tip-toed her way out of her quarters. The grass straw flooring nevertheless rustled loudly as if in pain when she stepped on it.

She heaved a sigh of relief as she finally made it out of her quarters without disturbing her precious Pokemon.

She began walking to the Galaxy Hall, though she started to feel her hair standing on ends. She could feel a tingling sensation down her spine. Her body started to shiver. The night breeze was warm and humid, and yet she was shuddering. She felt a presence behind her.

'A...ghost...?' Her breath hitched. She didn't bring any of her Pokemon with her.

'Calm down, Senki...It is probably your brain playing tricks on you...' She closed her eyes.

Bracing herself for the worse, she turned around prepared to face a demon, or better, nothing at all.

And there it was - a Kadabra.

Well, her Kadabra.

It was tilting its head upwards, staring into her eyes expectedly.

She can't help but chuckle at her own silliness.

"You want to tag along too, don't you?"

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