Chapter 17: Acceptance pt 1

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Author's note: Poor Senki lol. Tried writing fluff for now

"Let's see...Blissey...what should we write for its entries, my girl?" Senki tugged the Pokedex onto her futon, taking a closer look at the entry. She watched as Laventon tried to balance his pencil on his mouth, acting all silly.

"Well...when I was injured by some wild Pokemon, wild Blisseys would come rushing over and heal me," Senki recalled, her eyes fixated on Laventon trying to balance his pencil, her mouth forming a small smile.

"Professor!" She turned her attention to Rei, who'd slammed open her front door. Even from afar, she could tell Rei was panting heavily.

"Professor, I need your help for a moment!" Rei hollered from afar.

"Oh dear," Laventon turned his head towards Rei, then back to her.

"Don't worry my girl, just get some rest. I'll be right back." Laventon said as he skipped over to Rei. As he slides to close the door, the room fell silent. A wave of unspeakable sadness overwhelmed her again.

It has been many days since that incident with Volo happened, and her heart felt devoid of all emotions. Her body was dried from tears like a river caught in a drought. Laventon was kind enough to stay with her most of the days, trying to make up silly jokes to cheer her up. Unfortunately for Rei, this also means that he had to carry her load in her absence. She stared at Alakazam as she pondered. A knock startled her back to the present. It's probably Cyllene. She has been coming more frequently as well, whenever Laventon didn't have the time to be with her. Unlike Laventon, she always knocks, unless she's asleep.

"Come in!" She yelled across the room, only to find a blue-headed figure standing there.

"Aha! Why are you still in your bed, Senki? Are you perhaps slacking off?" The unexpected visitor teased.

"Adaman?" She gasped, astonished as she stared wide-eyed at the clan leader leaning against the door.

"Just kidding! Anyways, I thought I would drop by and say hi! I have to get going now. The commander is waiting for me." Without even waiting for her response, Adaman shut the door as he rushed off like the busy man he is.

Her eyes linger at the door. The word "slacking off" settled itself in her mind, and seeing Rei yelling for help wormed back into her thoughts. Guilt washed over her. Because of her, Rei probably has so much trouble surveying. How many days will she continue wallowing in her sadness like this as she continues to brood over Volo? She picked herself up from the futon, her vision twisting as the room began to spiral around her. Her body felt limp as her head began to ache. Not leaving her bed for a few days sure made her feel sluggish.

"Alakazam, teleport me to where Rei is. He might still need help."

The bright Hisui sun blinded her eyes as she found herself in a room. Before she could examine her surroundings, her legs buckled as she felt something run into her. She fell face flat onto the wooden floor, breathing in the musky oak smell.

"OW!" Senki arced her elbow into the ground as she pushed herself up. She opened her eyes, meeting her gaze with a small Swinub. It started back as if trying to register her presence.

"My girl! Are you alright?" Laventon came rushing, crouching by her side and scooping the little Pokemon into his arm. The Swinub sat docile as it allowed him to.

"Sis? Are you alright?" She heard Rei's voice and scanned the room before realising he was nowhere to be seen.

"Rei? Where are you?"

"I am here!" Rei waved his arm from behind the wooden desk.

"Phew, jolly good, this Swinub calmed down! It has been causing havoc in here!" Before he could finish his sentence, Swinub slides from his arms, settling right onto Senki's head.

" seems to like you!" Rei sneaked around the desk.

"Really?" Senki raised a brow and Swinub nuzzled against her head.

"I caught it but it doesn't seem to like me that much." Rei's face became clouded as he took off his cap and scratched his head.

Senki gave a bitter laugh. It's not like she could do anything about that. She let Swinub fall onto her lap, its brown fur grazing against her bare ankles. She let out a soft chuckle, repressing her laugh as a ticklish feeling arose in her. She tried to push the Swinub away, but it felt as if it was glued to her.

"Hey! It's ticklish! Get off me!" Laughter took hold of her as she tried to pull the Swinub away, but it was determined to cling onto her.

"Dad! Rei! Help!" Tears formed in her eyes as the Siwnub seemed to have made nuzzling against Senki its life goal.

Rei and Laventon exchanged a knowing look.

"Tickle fight!"

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