Chapter 14: Irida

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Author's note: Guess who loved Irida when PLA first came out but got obsessed with Volo and Adaman instead? Poor Irida. Here's some screentime with Senki

I feel like I kinda wrote Irida out of character???

Also, did I mention that I love to make my characters suffer?


"Gosh, I am practically sweating." The Pearl Clan leader swatted the cold air around her. Senki stared at the blonde girl aghast. Her short hair left her nape vulnerable to the attacks of the rigid air, her sleeveless tube top left her shoulders bare and her uncovered slender legs are left on themselves to fend against the icy snow. Senki, herself, didn't even find her own snow coat thick enough and had countless times asked Anthe to thicken the material.

"You don't have to walk me back to the base camp. I can walk there myself." Senki offered as they started to enter the warmer parts of Iceland.

"How could I do that after you've quelled our lord's frenzy? All your Pokemon must be exhausted! It is dangerous for you to be alone out here! I have to fulfil my duty as the clan leader and escort you!" Irida protested, her Glaceon wrapping its blue tail around her ankle.

Senki only returned a peel of nervous laughter. The clan leader continue to ramble on about Senki's honourable achievements, though her own attention was only focused on the hint of red juxtaposing against the snow-white page in the corner of her eyes.

"Senki?" Irida noticed her half-hearted listener.

Senki then turn her head towards that eerie cry, her attention now fully focused on the wild Froslass hovering by itself by the side, studying them.

"Oh! Do you need that Pokemon for your Pokedex? Don't mind me, go ahead!" Senki raised her brows as she turned to look at Irida, who in turn gave a reassuring nod.

Crouching down, Senki crept away, trying to get behind the Froslass. Her hand clutched tightly onto an empty Pokeball, the other lingered over Ninetales' Pokeball for safe measures. Her eyes glued to the Froslass and watched as the Froslass conjured up a shadow ball.

Senki watched the shadow ball drift away from Froslass's hands, heading straight at Irida.

Wait. What?

"Irida!" Senki screeched out. There was no time to lose. Irida was oblivious to her call, occupied with playing with her Glaceon.

Senki willed herself to move. It was a race against the shadow ball. She ran. Taking as big steps as she could, she held her arms out to the clueless clan leader. Her fingertips grazed against Irida's skin which was covered in frost. Senki wrapped her arms around Irida's shoulder, pushing Irida away with her body. A charge surged through her, and her back felt as if she'd been caught on fire. Senki choked back a blood-curdling scream, only letting out a painful wince as she tumbled on top of the petite leader, onto the soft blanket of snow.

"Senki!" Senki heard Irida yell out, though her sight was starting to blur. Her back was overwhelmed with pain and had frozen her in place. Her consciousness began to fade, the pure white snow being the last thing she saw.


"My girl! Are you alright?" Laventon's voice jolted Senki awake, as she began regaining her consciousness. She stirred her head around as she opened her eyes, She was laying on her left, and the yellow figure in front of her was blurry. She turned right, wanting to lay on her back, though a sharp pain surged through her back in protest. She let out a loud cry.

"Senki. Be careful not to lay on your back. Your wound on your back is still recovering." Senki looked up to see Irida, the petite clan leader over her. Her brows were knitted together with worry. Senki arched her elbow into the soft bedding to see Alakazama hovering beside Irida, looking good as new, not a scratch from battle. In front of her was a worried Laventon. He seemed to be frightened out of his wits as if he had just encountered a Porygon Z. He didn't have his usual outbursts and rambling, just waited there in silence.

" alright." Senki felt compelled to say something, though her words not only didn't diffuse his worries but also created a pain in her chest.

"Are you in any pain?" Laventon asked in an impish manner.

"Kind of...Just...a pain in my back and...chest..." Senki spitted out breathlessly.

"Just take the time to recover, don't use up too much strength with talking and you'll be fine in no time!" An optimistic Pesselle shouted across the infirmary.

Senki only gave a thankful nod. Recollection of what had happened before she blacked out came to mind.

"Irida...Are you alright?" Senki skimmed over the medical sash wrapped around her torso.

"I am alright. I am really sorry. I should've been more alert to my surroundings, especially on my turf. I've failed as a clan leader." Senki noticed tears welling up inside her eyes, clearly choking back a sob.

"Don't be sorry..." Senki raised her arm, placing her hand on top of Irida's. Her hand is cold and icy, even though they are not in Iceland anymore.

"If only I'd been more vigilant, you wouldn't have to put yourself in danger..." The clan leader continued, taking deep breaths. Out of the corner of her eyes, Senki noticed Laventon retreating away, out of the room.

"It's not really your fault...We survey corps put ourselves in danger at all times..." Even though she said that this was actually the first time she'd been terribly injured.

It seemed that Irida had noticed Laventon's absence as well, as Senki watched a thin stream of tears roll down her cheeks.

"Would you please, let me fulfil my duty and take care of you?"

[Froslass is the best ice type Pokemon. Fight me.]

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