Chapter 22: End

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Author's note: So I don't really have any more plot ideas for Senki's adventures in Hisui, so this is going to kinda mark the end for her stories! Maybe I will come back to her whenever I got a new idea, but as far as I know, I am not gonna write her for a while :D Thanks for reading till this far! Feel free to check out my Tumblr where I post little drabbles and writings! The link is in the story description, and also in my profile description uwu

Anyways, what if at the end of the game when the player meets Arceus, Arceus send the player back to their world? OWO


Senki took in the majestic sight in front of her. It was twice as tall as her, its white body towering over her. What seems to be a golden frame arched around its torso. She stared into its emerald eyes, surrounding a red pupil. Finally. How long has it been? A year? Maybe more, maybe less. She finally caught all the pokemon in Hisui, and here it is, the god of all Pokemon standing right in front of her.

She drew in her breath as she looked over to Alakazam hovering by her side. She made it. They had taken - the god of pokemon - down. A small, proud smile fluted across her lips. They made it. Together.

"Thou hast done well to seek out all Pokemon." A deep, echoey voice erupted.

"It's time for thou to return back to thee world."

Senki's heart skipped a beat, before sinking like a stone into water.

"Back to my world?" Senki breathed out, alike to a low whisper. She hadn't thought about that. She simply assumed it wasn't possible anymore.

"Yes. Thee world."

A sudden overwhelming feeling of fear washed over her. Her memories from her world often wormed themselves into the sanctity of her thoughts. The way her body sank into her plush bed; the way the cold wind traced the surface of her skin, but not that freezingly cold; the way her ears can be filled up with melodious tones anytime when they are dying to escape the quietness of the night. How blessed would she be in that type of world? To not feel the hard-wood flooring laying on her futon, to be able to feel the cool wind even when the sun is shining brightly, and not be bothered by the deathly silence of the night.

Even so, she could never leave those she'd built relationships behind. All of them had genuinely cared for her, and she had too.

She tilted her head up to look at Arceus, its emerald piercing through her, pressuring her to make a choice. This is a chance for her to object, but she couldn't bear to leave everyone behind.

Light flashed before her eyes, and the great being disappear before her.

She looked around frantically, only to realise she wasn't in the realm with Arceus. The stairs to Arceus glowed in white right in front of her. Oh, the Temple of Sinnoh.

She looked to her side, to see Alakazam standing on its feet.

"Alakazam?" It wasn't every day it stand on its feet. It often levitated in the air, mocking her for using her human legs to walk.

"Did that?"

Alakazam merely looked down at its feet, though it didn't utter a sound.

Senki could feel her heart melting.


Senki crouched slightly to meet eye to eye with the creature.

"I promise that I won't go back, okay?" Senki reached her hand out.

The psychic pokemon lifted its eyes, staring at her intently before its mouth curved slightly, placing its hand on hers.

"A broken promise is as good as a lie, okay?"

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