Chapter 9: Lil' bro Rei

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Trigger/Content warning: Verbal bullying (Flashback?)

Don't bully, people

Senki threw herself against the tree trunk, her shoulders bowed and her body was numb. She squeezed her eyes shut, then wide open. She gave a hearty stretch, her head looking up into the sky. More than half of the day had gone by.

She gave a troubled sigh. The villagers in Jubilife were full of requests for her today. Senki this, Senki that, is there anything they can do? Gathering medicinal leeks, or heck, getting into an argument and getting someone else to settle it is just absurd.

Her eyes lingered on the blue sky. Soft and innocent faces float into her mind as she remembered the smiling village children she had spent the previous night playing games with. They had jumped and chanted, making her tingle with excitement. They spoke over one another, as she took refuge in the joy the children had. No matter what, it is not so bad here.

"Senki!" She heard a voice in the distance hollered for her, interrupting her thoughts. She let out a sigh like a low whistle. What is it now? Perhaps if she pretends to be asleep, they will finally leave her alone for once.

"Senki?" The voice grew nearer. She prayed silently for the person to go away.

"Oh. You are asleep. I thought I could catch you to just talk and have fun." The voice's childlike yet masculine voice gave them away.

Talk and have fun? Well, she feels bad now.

She opened her eyes, rubbing her knuckles against her eyes acting as if she had just woken up.

"Hey, Rei." She greeted the young boy in front of her. He was just a few years younger than her, so it was as if he was a younger brother to her.

Rei readjusted the red cap on his head.

"Sorry, did I woke you up?" He said with furrowed brows.

"Ahahaha, nope!" Rei frowned. He didn't buy it.

"Anyway, why did you come and find me?"

"To talk and have fun, I guess." Rei shrugged and sat beside Senki.

Rei inhaled deeply.

"It's nice and quiet here. Is that why you are back here?" Rei closed his eyes, breathing in the fresh spring air.

"Yeah." She answered. They were at the back of the Galaxy Hall. She was surprised that Rei could find her here.

"Everyone sure likes to ask for your help, huh?" A flash of annoyance crossed her face. And not you.

"That's nice, having everyone like you."

"Like?" A pang of familiarity hit the face.

"Everyone like you here." He repeated in a sing-song voice.



"Aha! What a loser! No one likes you!" A voice wormed its way through her sanctity of thoughts.

"Games like that are so childish! Grow up! That's why no one likes you!" Her sight was engulfed by a patch of black. White figures crowded around her, wearing wicked smiles on their face. They were standing so close, making her claustrophobic; yet they were standing so far, disgusted at her existence. It was disconcerting.

The nasty words rumbled on.



Acids welling up inside her stomach, and her heart was hammering against her chest like an Alpha Empoleon. She wanted to leave, but it was as if she was frozen solid.

"Senki?" Senki snapped her head at the sound of Rei's voice, jolting her out of that torturous vision.

"Are you alright?" Rei asked with concern, his brows were knitted together.

"Yes..." Senki could only blink. Was of her memories from her past? She had been getting dreams about them...but never a sudden flashback...

"Er...You are crying..." Rei pointed out, raising one of his brows.

Senki tapped her fingers against her eyes. Tears were indeed welling up inside her eyes, some escaping.

"Ahahaha..."Senki laughed it off, using the sleeves of her uniform to wipe off her tears.

"Y'know, you can always come to me for help, right?" Rei tilted his head to the right.

Senki felt warm and fuzzy all over as if she was snuggling with an Alpha Snorlax, comfy and assuring.

"Thanks, bro." The word rolled off her tongue. She felt herself cringing at the word. The urge to say it was too unbearable.

"...Bro...?" Rei's mouth gaped open.

"Oh...Well, I've been regaining back my memories from my world. There, we call people we feel close to 'Bro', even if we aren't related to them." Senki explained awkwardly.

There was visible confusion on Rei's face, though soon his face lit up.

"Then, can I call you sis?" A full-blown grin appeared on Rei's face.

"Sure!" Her heart squeezed at the younger boy, who crushed himself into her for a hug.

After all, how could she say no?

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