Chapter 15: Broken promise

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Senki stared at the statues of the legendary Dialga and Palkia sitting in the middle of the ruins, surrounded by weather-worn stone pillars and dead clumps of grass, Alakazam hovered from pillar to pillar, studying them. She sat on a nearby piece of rock, waiting for her merchant friend to arrive. The merchant could spend endless hours talking about these ruins. She honestly does not get his fascination, but it does make him especially cute.

She'd been trying to see Volo as a friend. After all, a friend is hard to find, and she doesn't have any chance with him. She will cherish him as a friend, who will stay with her forever.

"Senki!" Her ears perked up at her name being called. Volo had finally arrived. Senki stood up to greet the merchant, only for him to walk past her to Alakazam, who was studying the statues of Dialga and Palkia.

"Have a look at this, Senki..." Volo beckoned her to his side.

"This statue has been kept here, far from the statues of Dialga and Palkia... Broken and shattered, and yet it remains... Do you know what it is?" He asked.

"Not at all..."Senki wished she does, but she doesn't really have any interest in history, or anything, really.

"Oh? You're the greatest wielder of Pokémon this land knows. The one who could bring low even Dialga and Palkia. But it seems certain things are beyond even your grasp..." Volo raised his brows and started musing on the existence of a Pokemon named Giratina. He wasn't getting anything through her at all, but Senki couldn't be helped but formed her lips into a small smile at how enthusiastic her friend was.

"Huhuhuh... HAHAHAHAHA!" Senki stumbled aback, taken by surprise at his sudden outburst.

"Volo?" Her brows knitted together with worry. Volo was acting disturbingly unhinged.

"You see, ever since I was young, whenever I met with something painful or heartbreaking... I couldn't help but wonder why life was so unfair..."Volo continued on. Senki's heart sank. What was he hiding behind that perfunctory smile this whole time?

"You see, I fancied that by unravelling these mysteries, I could find out how the world itself came to be-and with that knowledge, maybe even forge a new, better world!"

Senki worked on forming her words as Volo continued.

"We must make for the Temple of Sinnoh at Mount Coronet's peak! Dialga and Palkia both appeared from within the rift that once gaped open there, didn't they? If these plates can call anything at all, it seems likely that is where it would appear!" Volo turned to her, before leaving and heading upwards to the pure white and pristine structure atop the mountain.

A sick feeling began to form in her stomach. Her heart was pounding heavily against her chest. She looked over to Alakazam.

"What was that? Did you hear him laugh just now?" Senki swallowed a lump in her throat, trying to get words out of her mouth. Alakazam only narrowed his eyes in the direction Volo headed towards.

There was something unnerving about this whole situation.

Senki took a deep breath, calming herself as she commanded Alakazam to teleport her to the Temple of Sinnoh.

She stood on top of the temple, her nerves jarred. Is Volo okay?

She curled her lips, before catching sight of a blue and yellow cap bobbing towards her. He walked past her as if she was invisible. He stared out, overlooking the highlands.

"The temple lies in ruins now... Columns cracked and broken... Like pillars now turned into spears, stabbing into the heavens..." Volo said to the void.

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