Chapter 13: Friends

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Her breathing rose and eddied in the cold wintry air. Her snow jacket felt thinner than they are. It just doesn't feel enough. Laventon had warned her that the Alabaster Icelands were cold, and of course, she prepared herself. Not enough it seems.

Senki's nose started to sting as if a Vespiqueen had just attacked her face. The frigid air kept her thoughts at the moment.

Bidding Laventon goodbye, she embarked on her trip into endless Iceland. Winter wind whirled and wrapped around her as she leave footsteps in the snow marking her presence on the wintry page. The land was magnificent in its crystal-white gone, the snow sparkling as fine as crystal. She shivered from her chilly exploration, keeping the pokeballs of her fire-type pokemon at her fingertips.

Alabaster Icelands, here she comes!


She couldn't tear her eyes away. That icy blue eyes with purple circled around it, the two ice crystals that perched on top of its head sparkled pristinely and a hint of crimson juxtaposed against the snowy-white landscape. The Froslass was absolutely breathtaking. She got to catch it.

Senki rummaged into her satchel, and Frsslass took the opportunity to catch her unaware and threw a shadow ball her way. She dodged the ball, taking a few steps back with much agility. She regretted it.

Her feet failed to touch the ground, for before she knew it, Senki fell headfirst into an ice cave. Her limp body slammed harshly against the icy cold floor, shivers and a stinging pain passing through her. Her body was sore and aching from the fall. Senki stared up into the grey Hisui sky, sunlight getting into her eyes as she arched her elbow into the ground for support. She picked herself up, though as she tried to stand, a harsh stinging pain shoot up in her feet. She had sprained her feet.

She heaved an exhausted sigh. She could ask Alakazam to teleport her back to the base camp, but...

Senki sent out Alazakazam. It fell into her arms, its eyes closed as bruises and injuries covered its yellow body.

Even with Alakazam being her strongest Pokemon, Alabaster Iceland wasn't a force to be reckoned with either. Even it got knocked out by a wild pokemon.

She shook her head as she retrieved Alazakam back into its Pokeball, pressing her icy cold lips against its Pokeball. She didn't have a revive on her either.

She sat back down, extending her sprained leg out. She could only wait for a security corps member to come to fetch her. After all, she always makes it back before sunset. She surveyed the cave. The cave was more like a deep hole. Thankfully, there weren't any Pokemon residing in the cave, and it even provides her shelter from the rain.

Senki looked up at the sky. Sunset was blossoming upon the clouds, crowning the end of the day. Fear began to take hold of her. Soon, darkness is going to engulf her, letting the unwanted hide as they prepare to ambush her. She gulped as she sent out her Ninetales and Hisuian Arcanine. Pixie noticed something was amiss and began nudging its snout against its trainer's injured foot.

"Hey... I am okay, just can't really move right now." Senki smoothed out Ninetales' silky golden fur, calming it down.

"Arcanine. Can you help me to get the security corps guy for me?" Senki pleaded. The Arcanine understood the assignment, nodding as it leapt up the cave and disappeared from her line of sight.

"Can you help me start a fire?" Senki petted Ninetales, taking out a pile of wood from her satchel. She can't help but chastised herself. She brought wood but not revives?

The fire in front of her coloured the surrounding a golden hue, though the ice beneath still remained solid, much to her surprise.

Silence settled around her as Ninetales laid its head on her lap, Night unfolded around them.

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