Chapter 20: Gazes

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Senki sat herself down at the table, waiting for Laventon and Rei to come to join her for dinner as usual. She took a deep whiff of the smell in the Wallflower, the sweet and savoury smell of Beni's signature potato mochi lingering in the air. She could feel her tummy grumbling, can't wait to feast on its soon-awaited meal. Beni had taken notice of her presence as well, and the banging of pans and pots soon sounded in the Wallflower. Of course, he knew their usuals.

She laid the Pokedex in front of her to pass the time, though out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Zeke and Wanda entering for their meal as well, settling at a table that's stationed a few miles beside hers. Wanda took the seat beside her, making Zeke diagonally to her. Even so, she continued to fix her eyes on the Pokedex. After all, she's so close to filling up the Pokedex.

"Cherubi..." She pursed her lips and tapped her feet impatiently against the wooden flooring. For unknown reasons, she had an unbelievably hard time catching this little cherry Pokemon. As she flipped to the next page, she felt an eerie feeling creep up to her, as if she was being eyed by a predator. She lifted her head up, meeting eyes with Zeke who had his eyes on her. Senki stared back, blinking to convey her confusion. She held their gaze with the Wallflower full of awkward silence before she tore her eyes away when she saw his cheeks glowed like Cherrim's sunshine form. He pretended to be engaged in a conversation with his sister. Senki frowned, though shrugged off the interaction and got back to her Pokedex.

Even so, the same feeling crept up on her again. Without lifting her head, she darted her eyes at Zeke, who met her eyes, then quickly averted his gaze.

Her heartbeat quickened, trying to soothe her fringe and wiping her fingers on her face. Is her hair too messy? Is there something on her face?

"My girl!" Senki lifted her head up at the sound of Laventon's voice, though she too caught a glimpse of Zeke looking her way.

'Do I look weird today?'


"Hey, have you noticed Zeke acting oddly lately?" As soon as they stepped out of the Wallflower, Rei leaned over and whispered to her.

"I also noticed that, my boy! I wonder why he keeps looking in our direction? I caught him looking at us this morning as well." Laventon crossed his arm with a troubled look.

"Hey! Can we borrow Senki for a second? Zeke wants to speak with her." Senki tilted her head, watching Wanda releasing Zeke from her chokehold, pushing him forward.

"Wanda! No!" Zeke protested, turning around and grabbing his sister by the wrists.

"I am sorry!" Zeke dragged his sister by the arm and pulled her away in the opposite direction, their quiet bicker grew softer.

"So, what was that all about?" Rei frowned.

Senki shrugged.

"No clue."

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