Chapter 4: Dad Laventon

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"Well, at least you can tell anybody." Senki heaved a sigh of relief.

Yet, there it was, was a hint of mockery in its eyes.

"Right? Right?" She started to panic. There's nothing worse than being exposed.

"Ka ka ka." Kadabra only chuckled, though its eyes soon darted behind her.

She turned her head, expecting to see someone. Well, she expected to see Volo, to be exact.

Instead, she spotted a Kirlia. It wasn't any wild Kirlia. It was blue.

Her mouth stretched into a wide grin. She turned to Kadabra, a finger on her lips. She fixed her attention on the Kirlia. It was dancing away on tiptoes, minding its own business. It appeared to be stuck in its own little world, all peaceful and serene.

Senki was about to ruin that.

Crouching down and staying on her toes, she dug out a Great Ball from her satchel. Without a sound, she aimed for the Kirlia.

The ball hit the Kirlia on the head, and it went into the ball.

1,2...fireworks escaped the ball.

"Alright!" Senki gave a small clap, picking up the great ball.

"Kadabra Kadabra! Teleport us back to camp! Professor needs to see this!" Senki hopped up and down, clutching Kirlia's ball tightly.

Senki watched as Kadabra rolled its eyes, and in the blink of an eye, they were standing right in front of Professor Laventon.

"Oh jolly! My girl! Why must your Kadabra always scare me like that?" Laventon dropped the Pokedex he had on hand, grabbing onto his beanie and scrunching it up terribly.

"Oh sorry, Dad-"

Senki's mouth gaped open. She just wide-eyed stared at the Professor, regret and embarrassment rushed over her like tidal waves. Memories of the time when she called the Captain "Mom" instantly flooded to mind. She could feel her cheeks growing warmer.

"Yes, my daughter?" Professor Laventon squeaked, pulling his beanie down to cover one of his eyes.

She stared blankly at the professor as a surge of joy rushed throughout her like to a Shinx's thunder wave. Her heart was leaping up and down like a Buneary.


"My daughter!"


"My daughter!"



They turned their heads simultaneously at the Kadabra. It had a triumphant smirk on its yellow snout, clearly knowing what it had done.

Laventon started giggling away, attracting the attention of the security corps guy standing nearby.

"Kadabra..."Senki rolled her eyes at her partner Pokemon, sighing. She sure wished she hadn't put Kadabra on her team. Well, it is too late to turn back now.

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