Chapter 5: Adaman

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Senki sat herself down at the edge of the island. Taking out her footwear, she dipped her foot into the water. A chill ran down her spine in an instant. She watched as the water surged around her skin. Raising her leg up and down, the water ran down like a miniature waterfall.

She wasn't in the mood for an expedition today, but she had to. And so she did.

She tilted her head up to the sky. The sky was leaden, low, and grey.

"It seems like your Kadabra has become so powerful that it doesn't respect its trainer anymore. Would ranking up help, perhaps?" Laventon's voice rang in her head.

She has been on edge recently. Kadabra had stopped listening to her in battle once in a while, though she played it off as her partner's Jolly nature. Now, Kadabra would barely be willing to be let out of its ball, let alone engage in battle. She recalled the glimmer of arrogance in Kadabra's eyes, glaring down at her and piercing through her heart like a dagger.

She took out Kadabra's Pokeball, rubbing her finger on it.

"What happened, Kadabra?" Senki muttered softly, the words pricking her throat.

Does Kadabra think it doesn't need her anymore? Does it think that it is too powerful now? But, isn't being strong a good thing? It shouldn't change the bond between them.

Senki stared at her reflection in the water. She could barely breathe in the fresh air. Her nose was getting stuffy, and her eyes were getting puffy.

"Leaf?" Senki turned her head, only to see a leafeon. It was wagging its leaf-like tail, arching its body up tensely.

"He...llo..." Senki's body stiffened. She reached her hand into her satchel for Vulpix's Pokeball. Good thing she caught a Vulpix before it could run away a few days ago.

"Leafy leaf!" The Leafeon kept turning its head towards the cliffs. It appeared frantic.

Senki leaned closer to the Pokemon. There was an air of familiarity to it.

The Leafeon continued to dash back and forth in the direction of the cliffs.

"Are you...telling me to follow you?" Senki widened her eyes.

The Leafeon nodded and began sprinting towards the cliffs.

Stumbling to put on her shoes, she rushed after the Pokemon.

They were drawing closer to the cliffs when Senki spotted a blue figure in the distance. Judging by the colour, it seems to be a member of the Diamond Clan.

Leafeon finally came to a complete stop, right in front of its trainer.

"Adaman?" Senki gasped, her eyes widened at the sight of the Diamond Clan leader was in. Senki's eyes were locked on the grass patch near him which was tainted in a crimson hue. He was clutching onto his left leg tightly, which was covered up by a dark blue cloth that was torn out from his haori.

"Hey there..." The clan leader gave a small wince as he greeted her.

"Holy gosh! What happened to you? Are you okay?" Senki screeched in horror as she covered her cheeks with her palms.

" attacked by an Alpha Drapion..." Adaman repositioned himself against the cliff.

"We got to get you back home asap!"

""Adaman furrowed his brow at the Galaxy team member.

Senki sent out her Kadabra. This time, it was willing to come out of its Pokeball.

"Kadabra! Can you teleport us back to the Diamond settlement?" Senki pleaded.

Kadabra narrowed its eyes at its trainer, then swiftly turned its head away.

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