Chapter 6: Sick Senki

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Senki could feel a tingling sensation on her nose. Irritated, her brow knitted together. Her nose twitched in annoyance. She sucked in a huge chunk of air before a soft exhale escaped her lips. Her eyelids fluttered open, only to see a pair of orange ears.

"Oh Pixie..." She rubbed her eyes with knuckles.

"What did I say 'bout sitting on my face when I am sleeping?" She told off the poor Vulpix, who only whimpered in response, hanging its head down.

"Alright alright...You sure know that cute face of yours can get you away from anything huh?" Senki petted the Pokemon's head. She glanced up to the ceiling. There was something different about it. It... seems to be in a different hue, perhaps? Senki breathed in. It was as if her nostrils were new wine bottles, for they were blocked by a cork.

"O shig?" She muttered. The walls of her throat felt as if they were sewed together, her words were slurred and nasally. She anchored her elbows into her futon as she raised herself upright. Her head was pounding hard. Her joints were sore, and she felt limp all over. Sweat was trickling down her face. She cowered back into her futon, shuddering from the cold.

'Can't go out on an expedition today I guess...Gotta tell the Dad...' Senki sighed.

She didn't feel like getting up. Warmth was radiating throughout her body as Vulpix nuzzled her body. She looked up, Kadabra was hovering above her.

"I know I know, I am getting up..." Senki sat back up again. It is definitely harder getting up and sleeping on the floor.

Before she knew it, she felt her body being pushed back onto the futon and the futon's blanket over her body.

"Kadabra?" She glanced up, watching a couple of pieces of paper and a quill floating to her.

"Kadabra? You don't want me to get up?" Kadabra nodded.

Senki's heart leapt up with joy. How cute!

"Aw! You are so sweet, Kadabra!" Kadabra whipped its head away, pretending not to hear its' trainer.

"I will write a message to Dad telling him I am sick, kay?" Senki was barely able to pick up the quill. Using her futon blanket as a table, she wrote onto the paper delicately, only to find a paper of atrocious handwriting. Black ink was carelessly splattered across the paper and smudged everywhere. The side of her hand was stained black as well. It certainly wasn't an easy feat writing with a quill.

Kadabra used Psychic and held the paper to its eyes. He looked back at her with a glimmer of deprecation in his eyes.

"Don't rook gat mi rike that! I know it's not de best!" She squeaked, offended.

"You don't even know how to write!" She coughed.

Sparing itself from its trainer's scolding, it vanished in the air.

"Dang it, Kadabra." Senki cursed under her breath, though she was glowing inside. Seems like her Kadabra had begun to recognise her as its trainer again.

Eevee came joining in as well, its fluffy tail wagging eagerly.

'I wonder how's Adaman doing...' Her mind wandered off to the clan leader whom she found injured the day before. A pair of eyes of a lovely brown hue float to mind. They were mesmerising, stunning, and...


Her cheeks started burning up, though soon there came a knock at the door.

"My girl! Are you alright?" There were loud bangings on the door,

Senki beamed. Who could be here except the only one who calls her "my girl"?

"Come in!" She yelled out, only for a croak to escape.

The door slammed open, to reveal Laventon with a Psyduck under his arm and a Beautifly perched above his head. Both his hands were full of paper bags.

"Hi..." Senki squinted her eyes. She has tons of questions for the man.

Slamming the door close and dropping everything, he dashed in front of her.

"Are you alright, my girl?" Laventon held his hand on her forehead, another clasping her hand. His eyes were as widened as a Psuduck's.

"Are you hurting anywhere? Here's some medicine I've brought!" He turned to head for his paper bags, though they started to float towards him.

"Oh jolly good! Thank you, my boy!" Laventon thanked the Kadabra that appeared in the room.

'Not medicine...' She internally groaned. Her stomach started churning.

"I didn't know how sick you are, so I just asked Pesselle to give me every one of each!" Laventon displayed each medicine bottle in a row.

"I am not that sick, really! I just have a sore throat! It'll get better by itself!"


"Sore throat?" Laventon leaned forward to read the labels on the bottles.

'PLEASE DON'T PLEASE DON'T ARCEUS NO' Senki gulped, Acids started welling up inside her stomach.

"Here it is!" Laventon cheered as he picked up one of the bottles.

It was as if the whole world had collapsed on her.

"No, it's fine, really!" She watched as Laventon poured some of it into a small cup.

"Here!" Laventon looked at her expectedly. Her lips twitched, giving the professor a perfunctory smile. She glanced behind the professor to meet eyes with Kadabra. Looking back and forth from the cup to the Pokemon, her widened eyes screamed help to the Kadabra.

Kadabra's mouth widened from ear to ear, smirking.

Anger shot through her. Guess she has to rely on herself now.

She shoot Kadabra a dirty look, and swallowing down her rage, she looked at Laventon. His brows were knitted together with worry, and his usually jolly smile wasn't there.

"I am fine...really, Dad." She assured the professor, hoping somehow that will work. Her verbal skills were certainly not the best.

"But you have to! To get better! Please, my child?" The professor pleaded, giving her a cute and pitiful Eevee's eyes. She swore that she could hear a soft sniffle from him.

"Okay..."Senki croaked. She looked into the cup, which has a reddish hue, the colours resembling the fires of hell.

Taking in a deep breath, she dumped the medicine into her mouth.

It was bitter.

Really bitter.

Her cheeks were about to explode as she kept the medicine in her mouth, swirling around. Her throat was a stubborn one - refusing to let the medicine pass through. She stared at Laventon with squinted eyes, waiting for the medicine to go down her oesophagus. Letting bits and bits of medicine down her throat, there was finally none left.

She heaved a sigh of relief now the torture is finally over, though a tingle of bitterness still linger on her tongue.

"That's my girl!" Laventon praised, clapping his hands together.

"Now, how are you feeling, my child? Do you need to cool down? I brought Psyduck and Beautifly!" The Psyduck was holding its arms on its head, sitting down on the floor staring blankly into space, while the Beautifly was perched on top of her table.

"Oh. I am fine, really. My throat just hurt and my nose is kinda stuffy-"

"Your nose is stuffy? Let me see..." Her heart dropped as she watched Laventon go back to check the medicine bottles.

"Aha! Jolly good! We have medicine for a stuffy nose!" He chirped, picking up a purple medicine bottle.

Her heart sank like a boat in a thunderstorm.

'Why did I say that? WHY DID I SAY THAT?'

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