Chapter 12: Stronger

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It has been a week since Kadabra had been infatuated with the Kirlia, and it has been a few days since Kirlia had evolved into a Gardevoir. It has also been a few days that Kadabra had gotten more stand-offish from his beloved and sitting alone by itself at the veranda.

Senki eyed her humanoid pokemon sitting on the balcony, its yellow head staring up in much melancholy at the grey sky. Space-time rifts thundered menacingly in the sky. Her eyes then shifted to the Gardevoir sitting against the wooden walls of her quarters, its orange fin-like horn glistening under the sun. Her brows furrowed with worry as she stared back at her partner. She knew she had to put a stop to this, no matter how bratty her partner could be.

"Kadabra. Are you alright?" She adjusted her satchel as she took a seat beside the Pokemon.

Kadabra turned to look at its trainer, rolled its eyes at the stupid question, and turned its head to look at the sky.

"Alright then..." Senki pouted.

Senki closed her eyes. 'Calm down, Senki. You are trying to help him.' Senki took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" Senki pressed her lips firmly, trying not to raise her voice at the Pokemon in its rebellious teenage years.

Kadabra shifted its gaze at her, not moving its head. It seems to be contemplating.

It sneaked a peek at its beloved and then heaved an audible sigh. Its spoon glowed a purplish hue, and a leaf stone levitated out of her satchel.

"Hm? Leaf stone? You want it?" Senki tilted her head in confusion, only for Kadabra to roll its eyes again, letting the stone drop onto her lap.

Senki looked at the leaf stone blankly. What?

Senki racked her brain, scrolling through her mind for the possible reasons that could be making her best friend downcasted. She looked up at her partner with pleading eyes, hoping Kadabra would give poor Senki another hint.

Kadabra only gave her another rolled eye. Wow, such attitude.

Her mind started to blur as she continued to brainstorm. Watching its trainer struggle, Kadabra heaved another sigh as it used psychic again to lift a nearby paper and pen.

"Oh!" Senki reached her hand out for the pen, though it flew away. She watched the pen hover above the paper, ink forming on it.

Soon, the pen stopped mid-air, and Senki looked over. On the paper was a Ralt's head, and an arrow pointing next to a head resembling a Kirlia, then a Gardevoir. Below it was an Abra's head and an arrow pointing to what looked to be a Kadabra. The arrow beside it was pointing to a question mark.

"Oh! Do you want to get stronger? Evolve?" Senki's eyes lit up. What a smart boy! Kadabra gave a slight nod, though at the same time also narrowed its eyes at its trainer with a disapproving look of how long she took.

" do we do that? Don't you just get stronger?" At least that's how most of her Pokemon evolved. Even so, Kadabra would've evolved by now. After all, it is the strongest out of them all. There don't seem to be any evolution stones for psychic types, though.

Kadabra looked at its feet, disgruntled.

"Well then," Senki stood up. "Let's go find Dad!"

Kadabra nodded, and in the blink of an eye, they were standing right in front of Laventon. Well, a sleeping Laventon. Books piled up on his green kotatsu like mountains, and Laventon was sprawled on top of his opened books. He was in deep sleep, white pages flapped against his face when the slightest wind flew by.

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