Chapter 21: Drop it

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Author's note: Ehe a little fluff; Also, I think my writings are getting rusty from the break T-T


"Alakazam...Where is it?" Senki dragged her words out, arms folded across her chest as she stared at the psychic pokemon, Magenta aura surrounded Alakazam's levitating spoons. Her partner seems to be out of its rebellious phase - thankfully - though it seems to be entering another one. The prankster phase. More specifically - hiding her things with Psychic.

"For the last time, drop it. I don't care what you have. Drop it right now." Senki pouted as she tried to make her glare as menacingly as possible. Alakazam wasn't gonna back down either, for it stared back with a teasing glim in its eyes, its moustache tilted upwards with a cheeky smile. Senki took in a huge breath.

"Alakazam...I said drop it." Senki squinted her eyes at the pokemon. Silence engulfed the room before a porcelain vase appeared above her head. A magenta aura surrounded the outline of the vase. Senki could feel her shoulders reach her ears. She looked up, staring at the floating vase. She waited. And waited. Waited for something to happen. The vase continued to stay idle in the air. Her neck was getting sore, and her patience was running out.


The vase was smashed into the wooden wall. Senki jumped, her head snapping at the sound of the shattered vase. She could swear she heard a crack in her neck. What in the name of Arceus?

Laying on the straw mat floor now laid a small mountain of broken pieces of the vase. At least it wasn't anything important, but she would have a hell cleaning that up.

"Alakazam..." Senki furrowed her brows and sighed.

"You're helping me clean that up." Senki crossed her arms, frowning as she shook her head.

"Alalalala." Alazakam merely gave a mischievous laugh and vanished in front of her eyes.

"Don't think you can get away with this, damn it!"

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