♡ robin the rambler (hcs)

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here are some of my (very detailed) robin headcanons:D

-AUTISM she is autistic she's just like me!! she doesn't know what to do with herself when she's flustered.

-when robin sees a pretty girl walk into the store she starts slapping steve and he already knows what's happening

-he looks around to see which girl she's freaking out over and when he does he makes a fist with his hand and they start (not so discreetly) playing rock paper scissors under the counter to decide who gets to go talk to the girl/help her

-when robin loses to steve her face scrunches up and she goes "best out of 3?"

-but steve is already halfway across the store with the girl showing her some horrible rom com

-HOWEVER when robin wins over steve she practically starts jumping around and she punches the air like a little kid who just got told they were getting ice cream

-she tells steve to "suck it, harrington" jokingly and then bounces her way over to the girl and OH NO she forgot how to speak

-she starts fumbling over her words and rambling "hi uhh do you need any help? haha who am i kidding we all need help don't we? i mean not to say you specifically need help or you don't look like you're in need of help. but...um...if you need anything i'd be happy to help is what im trying to say!"

-the girl just stands there and steve is stuck in a face palm position back at the counter.


-she can't help it she just gets too flustered sometimes:(

-especially that one time at school when she was sitting next to a pretty girl and ..

-the girl next to her dropped her pencil and robin practically leaped out of her chair to grab it for her and they bonked heads

-poor baby was so embarrassed:((

-her cheeks were bright red and she wanted to fall off the face of the earth and she started to ramble because she felt so bad

-"oh god im so sorry are you okay?? oh i really hope you don't have a concussion. my skull is like a rock. do you want me to take you to the nurse? you know that you can't fall asleep until after 3 hours if you have a concussion right?? if you want i can go get you some ic-"

-the girl interrupts her to say "robin, im seriously okay. thank you though i really appreciate it." with a genuine smile. the girl then listens back into the lecture and robin is dumbfounded because..

-"she knew my name!! STEVE she knew my god forsaken name!!" robin starts gushing to steve after school when they were at work

-"yeah well you guys are in the same class of course she knows your name. what i really wanna know is how you managed to smack heads with a girl before kissing one??" steve responds while tidying up the counter

-"oh leave me alone. don't remind me. i wanna never be seen again but of course i have to see her tomorrow! what do i do steve???"

-"what i would do is make into a cute little inside joke or something to ask her out with. tell her you wanna headbutt her again at the dance!"

in conclusion robin is the cutest ever and i wouldn't mind if she headbutted me<3 hope you enjoyed!!

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