♡ robin x nancy x reader hcs

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SO im not too sure what section to add this in but im just gonna add it to robin headcanons

here are headcanons of being in a throuple with robin and nancy!! this was requested by NancysAndRobinsWife :)

-at first you were just dating robin, but then she introduced you to nancy

-the both of you fell completely head over heels for nancy, and she fell in love with the both of you, but none of you have had a conversation about it until

-one day, while the three of you were having a movie night at your house while your parents were away, nancy looked like something was eating at her, so you asked if she was okay

-she had her head rested on your right shoulder, and robin was on the other side of you with her head on your left one

-nancy turned her head up to look at you and robin lifted hers to look at nancy, also wondering if she was alright. nancy looks as if she's debating whether she should say anything or just keep quiet.

-"i..is it..possible? to be in love with two people at once?" she asks. you and robin sit quiet for a minute, knowing the answer all too well, but not wanting to upset the other.

-"..i think so" you say, looking at both of the girls on either side of you. nancy and robin both sigh in relief, and you raise an eyebrow at robin. she blushes and looks down at her hands fiddling in her lap.

-nancy shifts, sitting up from her position on your shoulder and starting the speech she practiced "thats..good to hear. i think that..listen, i know that you two are together..but i can't help myself. i think that..im in love with the both of you, your relationship, the way you two treat each other.. the way you always include me in everything. i just thought i should tell you both. i don't want to make things weird."

-robin hums quietly, and you give her a cautious look before taking nancys hand lightly with your right one. with your left, you take robins hand and you place them both in your lap, smiling softly before glancing at robin and then nancy "i don't know if it's been done..but im sure it has! or it can be..i mean.." you look to robin, and she has a lovestruck grin on her face

-"why don't we all just date already!" robin blurts out. both you and nancy are taken back, but you both start giggling and nodding like idiots.

-after that, the three of you decided to move to your bed, where there was more room for your newly established throuple to relax.

-you and robin basically piled onto nancy, with her in the middle and the both of you on either side of her. you took turns peppering kisses all over her heart shaped face, making her giggle and flail around uncontrollably.

-once you all settled down, nancy layed on her side with her head on your chest, and robin spooned her from behind!:) it was a life changing cuddle pile

-from then on you, robin, and nancy were attached at the hip!!

-it was great because you could all pile into nancys car without having to deal with the awkwardness that came with being chauffeured everywhere by steve

-don't get me wrong though steve was so happy for you all!! a little confused at first, "you can do that??" he asked once you all came to him and the three of you just giggled and said "i guess so"

-before robin goes to work she always kisses you and nancy on the cheek sweetly before saying "i love you my pretties!" and you both tell her to have a good shift and that you'd be there to pick her up later

-if you're athletic, you can bet that nancy will be at your games reporting your every movement for the school paper

-and robin will be cheering you on while she plays with the band!!

-they're so proud of their partner

-if you're not athletic though, you sit with nancy, watching her write feverishly. she is so passionate, it's extremely endearing.

-robin watches you watch nancy and smiles, proud that she has not one , but TWO beautiful partners. you look back at her and catch her staring everytime and she also blushes everytime, but never losing her rhythm.

-once you all get home after that, you baby the both of them as much as you can, praising them on how well they both did.

-you held each girl tightly against you and they were both so giddy with love for each other and you.

-can't stop thinking about the cuddles with both of them, the possibilities are endless


-the makeout sessions are. they are earth shattering life saving OMGG

-starting with robin while nancy watches and she gets needy and starts to play with your hair. you turn to her to give her attention and kiss her while robin now watches while playing with your fingers and the hem of your shirt

-then robin and nancy turn to each other and start to kiss each other delicately

-HOW THAT ENDS, you can decide reader .

-all three of you make sure that not one of you ever feels left out, and you all give each other equal time to spend together

-dates are so much fun together

-sharing a milkshake with three straws

-all three of you piling into one side of the booth, no one wanting to leave each others side.

-robin making a mixtape about both of you, it's labeled "(your initial), n <3" and has some of the most sickeningly cheesiest love songs on it

-the three of you are so so in love with each other and it's so beautiful:(

-you like to call nancy "babe, love, honey"

-you like to call robin "baby, sweetheart, lovebug"

-nancy calls you "sweetie, babe, hun"

-nancy calls robin "bub, lovey, sweetheart"

-robin calls you and nancy every name she can possibly think of, it's basically a challenge for her she's so cute

-you and nancy absolutely adore robin because she can get so overwhelmed with all the love sometimes, she's constantly giddy knowing that two beautiful people are so in love with her.

-you're all so gentle with each other i want this so bad:(

I HOPE YOU ALL LIKED THIS!! need a robin and nancy in my life</3 I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH THANK YOU FOR READING :D i'll see you in my next update!!

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