♡ neurodivergent gfs

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some headcanons about robin and vickie being neurodivergent gfs together bc i am nd and wanted to project a little bit

-i feel like vickie has adhd and robin is autistic and maybe has adhd too!!

-robin finds it cute when vickie gets nervous and starts to ramble the same way she does

-it makes her feel so understood and it's just comforting to know she isn't the only one

-sometimes robin will stim a lot and vickie absolutely adores it, because it's a part of her perfect girlfriend that she would not change for the world.

-when they were on their first date it was a lot of hand flapping and light clapping and robin tried masking it but vickie eventually reassured her that she didn't mind at all and found her excitement very endearing!

-this made robin so happy because most of the time people would look at her weird for her stims

-and when vickie rants to robin about her hyperfixations, robin can barely listen because she is so focused on how beautiful vickie looks with that spark in her eyes and her hands emphasizing her words but she could listen to her talk about her fixations for hours. and vickie could talk about them for hours so it's a win-win!! and vice versa!

-when vickie notices that robin is overwhelmed,  vickie will be very gentle with her and ask if she wants to go outside or step into another room

-robin will just nod lightly and follow her and the soft encounter that follows is so sweet and loving:(

-"you wanna talk?" vickie asks her girlfriend who is sitting down with her arms resting on her knees and her head laid down on them

-if robin doesn't want to talk she will shake her head and vickie will nod and ask her a couple more questions about what she can do to help her girlfriend feel at ease

-"do you want a hug?"

-most of the time robin will nod her head softly and accept the hug, since pressure usually helps

-by this point vickie already knows how much pressure is just right for the hug but if she's holding her too loose or too tight robin will softly say either "tighter" or "looser"

-sometimes though robin doesn't want to be touched when she's overwhelmed and vickie completely understands! she'll ask if she wants water or maybe some gum since robin has a chewing stim and vickie doesn't want her to hurt herself biting her nails or her lip so she always carries robins favorite flavor of gum with her:(

-once robin feels lighter she gives vickie the biggest bear hug and thanks her softly and vickie asks if she wants to just go to her house and watch some movies together!

-so she'll politely excuse them both from whatever they're doing and go have a little at home movie date!:)

-vickie puts on this nerdy movie that she is fixated on currently and talks through the whole thing, and robin doesn't mind because she loves hearing what vickie has to say.

-sometimes vickie will get insecure about talking too much or getting too excited and mumble a soft "sorry.." and then try to change the subject and it breaks robins heart

-"dont apologize! i wanna hear what you have to say baby" robin will say as she holds vickies hand lightly and gives her knuckles a soft kiss

-vickie will blush really hard and continue talking, even more passionate than before she interuppted herself, and robin watches her with lovesick puppy dog eyes and a soft smile on her lips

-sometimes robin will randomly get so overwhelmed by her love for vickie that she will just squeeze her and give her soft little bites around her shoulders and vickie thinks it's the literal cutest thing in the world and she blushes every time and just ruffles robins hair and wraps her arms around her and vickie will stay there until robin is ready to let go

-robin loves her for it because she says most hugs are not long enough or tight enough for her to fully express her love for the shorter girl and vickie gives her as much time she needs to give that affection

-robin loves it when vickie gives her affection too!! vickie will just pepper kisses all over robins face and neck sometimes for a good 5 minutes and robin will lay there, soaking it up. absolutely lovestruck and amazed at how loving the girl she had a crush on for so long is

-sometimes vickie will accidentally talk over or interrupt robin, not meaning to. robin knows she's just really passionate about their conversation and lets her talk. vickie realizes she cut her girlfriend off and apologizes profusely and robin chuckles a little bit and holds her hand and tells her it's okay, and finishes what she was saying earlier.

-they both love it when the other is overly affectionate. sometimes it is a lot though and to outsiders (the ones they're out to) they seem a little too affectionate. but they know that the people judging them will never feel love in the same massive way that they do, since their brains just work differently! and they're okay with that.

i love them so much:(( i hope you enjoyed this and i will see you all in my next update!<3

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