♡ haunted house

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this was requested by Hansbanas !

robin and reader go to a haunted house but reader gets scared:(

warnings: reader is referred to by she/her and feminine terms

you and robin had been planning to go to a haunted house for the last week, and you had been trying to avoid it. you were scared of haunted houses and didn't want to tell your girlfriend in fear that she would make fun of you.

but robin really wanted to go as part of her october halloween activity list, so you agreed because you wanted nothing more than to make her happy. robin was so excited when you said you were ready to go tonight that she started clapping her hands and jumping up and down.

"AGH! im so excited y/n!! thank you thank you thank you!!" she exclaimed and hugged you tight. you would do anything to see her like this all the time.

you and robin hung out until the haunted house opened at 7pm, and you were so nervous that it felt like your head was going to fall off. robin noticed and asked "are you okay babe?" and you brushed it off and said you were alright. she took your word for it and you two started to head out.

once you arrived at the haunted house you could feel yourself breathing a bit heavily, but you calmed yourself. this was for robin. to make her happy, and you'd do anything to make her happy, you thought to yourself.

robin grabbed your hand in the dark right before you entered the attraction, no one could see which was very comforting. at least you wouldn't have to be scared of homophobia as well as whatever was waiting in the haunted house to jump out at you.

it started not so bad, a few jumpscares but nothing too bad, until a particularly dark and grim section. it felt completely isolated and cold. you grabbed robins hand tighter and she looked back at you, making sure you were okay. it felt like this part went on forever, and it had been way too long since anything scary happened, so you were anticipating the worst. you started to walk behind robin, feeling safer with her to protect you.

you hid behind her and she noticed but didn't say anything. she didn't want to embarass you. there was a jumpscare and you grabbed onto her shoulder with a loud scream. you stayed behind her the rest of the time and only when you exited did you release the tight grip on her hand and shoulder.

you gave her a small sympathetic smile as she beamed, high on adrenaline, as you made your way to the car. the whole drive home robin was rambling about how much fun she had and how glad she was that you went with her. you just quietly agreed with all the things she said until you got home. you both made a beeline for her room. you sat on the bed while she paced around rambling, still excited off the adrenaline kick.

"you're being really quiet, are you okay sweetie?" robin asked  randomly at the end of one of her rambles. "oh..um..yeah, im okay robs." you lied.

"(y/n), honey, i didn't wanna say anything but, were you scared back there?" she asked. you couldn't control the tears that started pouring from your eyes. you wanted so badly for her to be happy that you tried to hold it in. that and the fact that you were completely and utterly embarrassed by being scared of something not real.

"oh, baby, c'mere" she said while opening her arms to you. once you were enveloped in her arms she started whispering into your ear comforting words, "it's okay my love. i've got you, sweet girl. i won't let anything hurt you." and she placed a light kiss to your head.

"i..i was scared that..you would think i was a buzz kill for being scared. i..im sorry robbie. im so sorry..i wanted to go to make you happy i didnt..i didn't think it would actually be so scary.." you said between soft sobs.

robin knelt down in front of you and held your hands. "look at me babe, i would never, ever think that! im so sorry that i dragged you through that. im so so sorry my love. i will never ever do that ever again, and i pinky promise you that." she said as she raised her pinky up to make the promise official. you completed the pinky promise and she gave your hand a kiss. "im sorry.." she said again while looking up at you with puppy dog eyes, "will you ever forgive me?" she asks with a small pout on her lips.

"of course you dork-" you say as you get interuppted by the loud wind outside. it scared you so much that you jumped a little bit.

"baby, do you wanna stay the night? i dont want to make you go home when you're all scared like this." she says. you nod shyly before she gets up and moves to her drawers, picking out some comfortable clothes for you and herself. "go ahead and get changed in here! and i can go to the bathroom to change too while you do if you want some priva-" you cut her off "don't leave! i mean..please dont..unless you want to! but, please stay with me."

"aw sweetie, of course i'll stay here with you. won't let anything hurt you. i'll protect you no matter what!" she says. you giggle slightly at her chivalry and start changing your clothes, she turns around and does the same before crawling into the bed and laying flat on her back. "c'mere lover" she says, calling you over to her.

you lay next to her, and you're still a bit sensitive, so a couple sniffles leave you as you snuggle up to her. "aw, what's that all about?! get closer!" she says in a playful manner. you get a bit closer to her, laying your head on her chest.

robin pulls you even closer, so you're pretty much laying on top of her. "gonna bear hug you, kay?" she asks, making sure you're alright with a lot of affection. you nod into her chest and she wraps one of her legs around your waist while both of her arms wrap around your back. she hugs you super tight and then uses one of her arms to play with your hair, while the other rubs your back.

"never gonna let anyone hurt you, my sweet girl. i love you so much." she whispers. you nuzzle into her neck and mumble an "i love you" back to her. you're so tired at this point that you feel yourself drifting with every beat of her chest.

"gonna protect you forever baby." you hear her whisper before kissing your forehead right as you drift to sleep. you fell asleep, feeling safe in your loving girlfriends arms.


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