♡ rough day?

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reader has a rough day and comes to robin for help<3
this was requested by Midnight4Lifers !

today has been one shit storm after another. first, you found out you were failing not one, but two of your classes. then, you get to work and everyone and their mothers decided they wanted to go grocery shopping, TODAY! on a THURSDAY?? working at a grocery store completely and utterly sucked. especially in a  small town like hawkins. but it was the only job you could get while failing in school.

currently, you were putting back some items that someone left behind. it was milk so you had to put it back right away. perishable my ass, you thought. what's a couple more minutes waiting gonna do to hurt this milk? you were arguing in your brain with whoever asked you to put it away, when suddenly a woman  approaches you. she has a teenage boy with her, and he looks as if he wishes he were anywhere but there. i feel ya, kid, you thought to yourself. the woman spoke, "do you know where those kids plates are? the ones with the cartoon characters on them?" she asks.

"oh, im sorry ma'am, we actually stopped selling those last week. there's a recall on 'em." you tell her. she furrows her eyebrows and you can already tell she's going to start something. "you really don't have any? not even in the back? i need them for my daughter. could you just go check for me?"

"sure ma'am, but like i said, there is a recall on them. so we can't sell them to you even if they are in the back, so im not sure why you'd want me to go look" you respond, slightly annoyed. "you know what? you seem REALLY enthusiastic to be doing your job right now. i would like to speak to your manager." she says, her son rolling his eyes. you recognized her to be mrs. wheeler, and her son to be mike wheeler. you've seen mike around since he knows a lot of the same people your girlfriend robin knows, and he's nancy wheelers brother. your mood lifts slightly at the thought of robin.

now though, you were walking to the register, mrs. wheeler close behind you. your manager was working one of the registers currently so you led karen to him and he asks what the problem is and she files a complaint against you. for not selling her the recalled plates? god, i need to get another job, you thought.

your shift was almost over, and there were about 3 more of these instances after mrs. wheeler had left. you were at your limit, and completely ready to run out of those sliding doors of freedom the second the clock struck 10pm. and once it did, that's exactly what you did, not forgetting to clock out first. you got in your car as fast as you could, put some music on, and started driving home. you just wanted to sleep. you weren't supposed to work until 10, but your manager needed someone to cover and after getting a complaint filed against you, you felt like you had to.

earlier, on your break, you had let your girlfriend robin know that you were going to be getting off of work late. she sounded so sad and it broke your heart but she understood. you were about to break. the stress had been so much and you just wanted to sleep. but when you got home and layed in your bed, not even bothering to change, you couldn't sleep. you started to cry as the overwhelming weight of school, work, and exhaustion finally hit you. you needed robin.

you debated for a while if you should call or not, but decided against it in fear of waking her parents. you decided to go over to her house. once you got there, you remembered how much she liked clichés, so you went around the back and picked up a couple tiny pebbles to throw at her window. it took about 3 minutes for her to slide open her window and look down to see your neutral face.  you didn't want her to know you were upset, but you also couldn't muster up the strength to smile.

robin whisper-yells at you "what are you doing??" and you whisper-yell back, "can i come in?" she of course lets you in, but has you quietly come through the front door instead of climbing all the way up her house. which you were grateful for. once you reach her room, she closes the door slowly behind you. she turns to face you, but you're looking at your shoes. she can tell something is wrong.

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