♡ jealous robin hcs

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some headcanons for jealous/possessive robin x reader! this was requested by Redstonemob15 !!

-okay so in the beginning of your relationship, robin was pretty good at hiding her jealous side

-but once she started to fall deeper and deeper in love with you, it became harder to hide her possessiveness

-one time she saw someone flirting with you while you were visiting her at family video and trying to look for a movie for you and hers movie night

-she stopped what she was doing, leaving steve at the counter (very annoyed at her) to take over rewinding tapes and stomped over to where you were at

-she put a hand on your shoulder very gently and asked you in a raspy voice, trying to suppress her anger at the stranger bothering you (since you were clearly annoyed) "do you need any help finding anything (nickname)? i know it's your turn to pick a movie for our movie night, but i just wanted to check up and make sure you're finding everything alright!" she rambled on a bit

-"oh, hey robs! could you show me where the horror section is?" you ask her, giving her a thankful look that she did not notice since she was too busy shooting the stranger a death stare

-that beautiful smile returned to her face as she turned to you, with her hand still on your shoulder, "of course!" she quickly grabs your hand and basically runs with you across the store, away from the person she now had on her shit list

-"were they bothering you?" she asked, still angry. "a little, but im okay, honest! just can't wait till you're out of here and we can finally have our movie night" you smile at her brightly, knowing it will calm her down a bit. she melts on the spot after seeing it and completely forgets about the douche that has now left the store disappointed (L bozo)

-jealous robin is never toxic about her possessiveness though, and she never EVER blames you for someone making her jealous

-her jealousy is more of a "you're mine and only mine" than "im insecure and don't trust you" which she reminds you of every time you confront her about it, making it clear that she trusts you more than anything, and that she just wants you all to herself

-an example of this is during that specific movie night, you had been wanting to talk to her about it and decided to that night.

-halfway through the movie, you turned up to look at her, laying on her chest, and said "robs?"

-she responded "yeah, love?" and you began "were..were you jealous? earlier, when that prick was bothering me?"

-"um..no! i mean, maybe. was it that obvious?" she chuckles nervously. you giggle a bit and squeeze her, "yeah, a little. but..you do know that i'd never..like...cheat on you? right?" you ask, feeling slightly hurt as the thought of her thinking of you that way crossed your mind.

- you see her eyes go wide and she starts stammering, "what? oh my god no!! i mean, yeah! i know you never ever would do that. its..it's not that i don't trust you, love! i promise. i just.." a light blush starts to dust her cheeks, "i want you all to...to myself, yknow? like, i don't want anyone else to get to talk to you that way, like, flirty i guess? i don't know, im sorry my love. i know you would never do anything to hurt me." she continued nervously

-you peck her cheek and she grins brightly at you, glad to have explained herself to you.

-"im glad you know that. because i would never do anything to hurt you. i love you so much robbie, and no stranger, definitely not one in flip flops is going to change that." you joke with her and she giggles and playfully bites your shoulder.

- you lean into her ear and whisper, "and..yknow..it was kinda hot to be honest, seeing you like that." and then you return to the movie, pretending you didn't just make her blush the color of a firetruck.

-jealous robin also will not hesitate to punch someone if they say the wrong thing to you or god forbid they lay a hand on you.

-one time a guy catcalled you, and before you could even register what he said, she was throwing her shoe at him

-how she got it off that fast, i do not know.

-but jealous robin turns into hot and sexy "you're mine" robin but that's a story for another day


-her being jealous always, in one way or another, ends up with her holding you tight, or you comforting her

-one time she got so overwhelmed that you had to hold her as she cried and sobbed "i just love you so much and i hate that i can't just go up to you and kiss you when douchebags try flirting with you. i wish we lived somewhere that i could do that and no one would even notice." she said in between sobs and it broke your heart

-you held her all night and rubbed circles into her back, cracking a few jokes and saying sweet things to her here and there to make her feel better.

-all in all jealous robin is the sweetest and also the hottest somehow at the same time

-i mean just imagine her fist clenching with all her rings, jaw screwed shut tightly oh my GODDD


-she is very sweet with you, and even in her jealous state she is extremely gentle and caring with you, making sure you know that she trusts you.

IHOPE YOU LIKED THIS!! i might write a second part bc im not too sure if i like this that much but!! thank you so much for reading and for requesting!! next up is robin nancy and reader throuple:) see you then!<3

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