♡ halloween festivities!!

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some hcs for robin x reader doing spooky halloween activities:)

warnings: mentions of weed smoking

-robins favorite holiday is 100% halloween. she goes all out.

-so when you two are dating, she makes sure to start planning the perfect october for the both of you!!

-she starts planning in august the things she wants to do with you for halloween, and by the time it's october she has an entire notebook filled with date ideas, costume ideas, a watch list, and little spooky doodles of  you together.

-she even starts saving her money in august so she can cover everything for you both:(

-on the last day of september, she shows up at your window EXACTLY AT MIDNIGHT with a bunch of candy and a bunch of scary movies for you to watch together.

-she had called ahead of time to make sure you were awake, if you weren't she definitely tried to scare you😭

-once you let her in she starts to make a pillow fort by the tv in your house, not even saying a word but getting straight to business.

-when she's done the fort is filled with blankets and pillows and the candy she brought in a bright orange bowl with bats and spiders printed on it.

-if you get scared easily she thinks it's the cutest thing in the world, and will hold your hand and wrap her arm around you the whole time:(

-she stays the night and in the morning she wakes up promptly at 10 am to start getting your costumes

-she says it's best to do it on the first of the month since they have sales and more selection

-she practically sprints into the halloween store and it's the cutest thing. she already planned a matching costume for the both of you but she still loved to look around at all the decorations and things.

-then she sees the perfect matching costumes. but it requires 3 more people. then she remembers she has steve, nancy, and eddie!!

-it was perfect. she grabbed you and ran out of the halloween store to find a payphone. the whole time you were just thinking that your girlfriend lost her mind.

-she dials steve first and basically blackmails him into dressing up with you two.

-nancy and eddie agreed almost instantly and she was so happy. she takes you back into the halloween store and looks frantically for the costumes. she had asked everyone for their sizes already so she bought EVERYONE COSTUMES.


-steve was the jock, andrew. eddie was the rebel, john. nancy was the princess, claire. and robin was the outcast, allison!! and you were the nerd, brian. (if you're more fem presenting u were a female brian, if not, you went as just regular brian.)

-it was so perfect and she was beyond excited. you both tried on your costumes and giggled at each other before going up to the counter to pay. robin insisted she pay for yours too, you felt so bad because she had a stack of 5 costumes she was going to pay for but she was just so smiley and happy to get them for all of you it melted your heart.

-once you two got back to your house you watched some more scary movies until she had to go home.

-and everyday, she had a halloween activity for you two to do together, occasionally inviting steve and nancy and eddie to participate too.

-her favorite was pumpkin carving and the pumpkin patch, and baking cookies even though she cant cook or bake to save her life.

-around halfway through the month you, robin, steve, nancy, eddie, jonathan, and argyle went to the pumpkin patch together!!

-if you...partake in purple palm tree delight it was a lot of fun in the surfer boy pizza van with everyone cramped in, taking turns. everyone laughing and giggling and eventually getting the munchies and marching into the pumpkin patch for any kind of food they sell.

-robin definitely gets touch feely and lovey dovey when she does the purple palm tree delight so she's glued to you as much as she can be, since there was people there she had to hold back quite a bit.

-everyone picked out a pumpkin and played the games and had a really fun time. eddie even fell off a stack of hay. it was great.

-you all got back in the van with your pumpkins, somehow you all fit. it was like a clown car. you held the pumpkin because robin was trying desperately to cuddle into you the whole drive and was whispering about how much she loves you. the rest of the gang was annoyed but argyle kept saying "young love" in a dreamy tone.

-nancy had kicked mike and the party out of the basement for the night so you could all have a sleepover and watch scary movies.

-it was a lot of fun, you and robin got the loveseat, nancy was sitting by jonathan and argyle was on the other side of him. eddie and steve were throwing popcorn at each other on the floor. you and robin were snuggled up close, holding each other tight.

-robin was more scared of the movie since..the activities from the van earlier, so you were holding her and whispering comforts in her ear. she kept nuzzling her face into your neck during the scary parts and you just stroked her hair lovingly.

-once it was finally halloween, you and the breakfast club gang, plus jonathan and argyle who were dressed as..one big conjoined pizza ?? all went trick or treating.

-don't worry i will write a oneshot abt this!!

-you and robin held hands when the lights on the street were dim. you all got so much candy you'd have enough for the next couple months.

-you and some of the others gave some of your candy to the kids, mike, el, lucas, will, dustin, and max.

-then you all set out for a halloween party since it was still fairly early!!

-the party was fun, pretty basic though. you could tell robin was getting overstimulated from all the bright lights and loud music though, so you took her outside to give her a break.

-you asked if she wanted to go home and she said yes, so you went back to your house.

-the rest of the night you two cuddled and you thanked her for such a great halloween season. she kissed all over your face and you two fell asleep in each others arms, content with each other.


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