♡ anxious reader x robin hcs

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some headcanons about robin with an anxious reader :) requested by robinsnumber1

-robin is anxious herself a lot of the time, but it completely goes away for her once she notices how anxious you can be

-she doesn't see it as a bad thing or try to make you do things you aren't comfortable with and you appreciate her so much for it

-a lot of the time she will baby you but she doesn't do it on purpose. she is so in love with you she wants to do everything she can to make you feel comfortable and calm

-when she notices you fidgeting a lot and bouncing your leg, she'll ask if you want to go get some air, since she knows that a moment to breathe usually helps a lot

-she'll coach you through some breathing exercises if it gets to be too intense, and she holds you close to her chest so you can listen to her heartbeat

-you once told her that listening to her heartbeat helps you calm down, and ever since then she has basically made her chest into a walking pillow for you at this point

-she loves to have your head on her chest, she hasn't told you, but it's calming for her too

-you two come up with code words for when something is wrong

-so when she's overwhelmed, there's a code word for it. and when you're feeling anxious, there's a code word.

-either of you will drop what youre doing to be there for the other and it's just extremely soft:(

-robin likes to hold your hands and plant soft kisses onto them once you're feeling better!! it's her favorite thing to do. she says it makes her feel like an old timey knight

-you called her your knight in shining armor and she melted with your hands still in hers, dropping her head to your shoulders to hide how flustered you made her

-one time, you were over at her house getting ready for a date with her, a party.

-you were in the middle of trying on your outfit in her bathroom, when the thoughts started to crawl in.

-"your outfit looks awful. she's gonna hate it. you should just change already. now you're taking forever, she's gonna be mad that you'll make her late. you might as well not even go."

-they continue for another 5 minutes, and robin comes to check on you with a light knock on the bathroom door, "you okay love?"

-"shit" you think to yourself, wiping your eyes before you open the bathroom door slowly, you see robins face light up, and then immediately change into a look of concern.

-"baby, what's wrong?" she asks, slowly cupping your face with her hands. the sight of you, looking so beautiful in your nice outfit, but with your eyes puffy and red from the tears you'd just cried, it absolutely shattered her heart. she felt like crying just at the sight of it.

-you just started to cry more and she quickly enveloped you in her arms, rubbing your back. she took your hand after a short while and led you to the bed and sat you down. then she kneeled in front of you and took one hand into hers and used the other to softly rub your knee and thigh in a calming manner

-"im sorry..i just...i want to go, i do. i want to go on a date with you tonight, robin, so badly. i just..i need to stay home. im so sorry. you can still go, if you want! i want you to have fun still, please don't worry abo-" she cut you off by kissing your lips ever so delicately, with one of her hands now on your cheek.

-"i like movie dates more anyway, my love! let's stay here, watch so many movies our eyes burn, eat so much junk our stomachs hurt, and cuddle so tight that we suffocate each other! sound good?" she smiles at you, unsure of your reaction.

-you giggle at her offer and she immediately melts at the sound. you pull her up so she's standing, and you hug her middle tightly, your head on her stomach.

-"i love you" you whisper into her, planting a light kiss on her stomach.

-"i love you more. now let's get this movie date ready sweetheart, im starving!! you pick a movie and i'll get us some supplies" she responds, making you giggle once more into her, before standing and making your way to the tv in her living room.

-she stumbles back in the room, running with blankets and pillows, dumping them on the couch before running to the kitchen to get some snacks ready.

-she's so goofy it fills your heart with content and giddiness. you pick a movie and wait for her to come back.

-she yells from the kitchen, "(y/n)! can we order pizza??" she says peaking her head into the living room to see you.

-you laugh because she's asking YOU if she can order pizza in HER house.

-you of course say yes, and once the pizza comes (it came extremely fast for some ungodly reason) you curl up next to her as the movie starts, eating the pizza and the snacks she prepared, cuddled up under the blankets she so swiftly delivered earlier.

-it was such a sweet date, and she reassured you that "there is no place i'd rather be, i promise, my love. this is the best kind of date. we actually get to be..a couple!" she kept saying throughout the night, when you'd ask if she was upset about not going out for your date night.

-she is just so gentle and loving with you. the way she treats you makes you want to kiss her pretty little face for hours on end.

-and you do, to show you appreciate her. she giggles and kicks her feet and blushes hard the whole time when you get all lovey dovey like that, she loves it more than anything.

once again i need a robin:( ANYWAYS!! i hope you liked this!!! thank you for requesting and i will see you all in my next update:)<33

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