♡ dating robin buckley!!

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-first off, robin LOVES holding hands. she actually can't get enough of it

-you could just be on a walk (also one of her favorite things to do with you) and she'll immediately grab your hand and interlock your fingers together

-she likes to play with your fingers and fidget with them and rub small circles on your knuckles

-when you're in public though she likes to just interlock your pinkies together since she likes to always be near you and touching you it's really comforting to her

-she's definitely the clingy type but OBVIOUSLY you don't mind because she's just so cute about it

-she'll call you in the middle of the night just because she wanted to hear your voice

-"robi, it's 2am."

-"i know but! i just missed you and i missed hearing your voice and i couldn't exactly sleep because im in a bit of a predicament. i KNOW i need to sleep because i have band practice at ass o'clock in the morning but i wanted to study some of my language tapes and then i started thinking about operation croissant and i couldn't help but think about US. in EUROPE together! and then i started thinking about..(y/n)?...are you there..?"

-and she frowns a little but she thinks it's adorable you fell asleep on the phone with her

-she REFUSES to hang up and the soft sounds coming through the phone are enough to clear her thoughts and put her to sleep

-robin also loves to cuddle. like i know shes tall but she's a tiny koala bear when it comes to you

-the SECOND she gets you all to herself she's doing one of the following:

-in your lap, her legs wrapped around your waist, with her face buried in your neck or with your foreheads touching and she's just resting there with her arms around your neck or playing with the fabric of your shirt

-OR she's trying to impossibly get closer to you as her head rests against your chest as you hold her and both of your arms are wrapped around each other tightly, as if the other were going to fade away

-and even though robin loves to be held and babied by you, when you're upset or you just want to be held she has no problem wrapping you up in her arms and playing with your hair, whispering sweet nothings into your ear

-she loves listening to your heartbeat. it's better than any song she could imagine and if she could, she would lay there for hours listening to your heart beat and watching your chest rise and fall just because it's comforting to her

-she also loves kisses! any kind really she loves them all. she loves giving kisses and getting kisses from you

-when you two are alone, she'll just kiss your cheek rapidly a couple times and then SHE will blush even more than you do

-when you kiss her in that sweet, gentle way you do, she gets all shy and blushy and drops her head to your shoulders for a moment just to recuperate

-ALSO she loves biting

-like not even in a nsfw way(i mean maybe that too who knows) but she does it lovingly

-she does it when she wants to hear your little giggle!!

-you'll be having a soft moment and she'll bite your jawline or your shoulder softly and you'll just giggle and stroke her hair and she'll have this absolutely lovestruck look on her face, looking up at you with the sweetest puppy dog eyes you've ever seen.

i might write an entire oneshot for that last hc it's so cute to me:(

BUT!! i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you in my next update!!! leave a request if you'd like!:)

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