♡ corn maze

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this was requested by WxtherRose !!

since reader got comforted in the last one this one will be reverse comfort! robin gets lost in a corn maze and reader finds her and cheers her up!

readers gender isn't referenced in this one:) (but reader is a non man)

warnings: robin has an autistic meltdown

today you and robin were going to the pumpkin patch! there were so many activities that you were excited for, but the most exciting was the corn maze. robin was super stoked as well and she couldn't wait to get there and eat all the food and get a pumpkin to carve later on!

once you two arrived to the pumpkin patch, the first thing you did was ride the little train ride they had. then you guys went into the bouncy castle and scared all the little kids off. then you guys got something to eat and waited for it to get dark so you could go do the corn maze.

once the sun set, you grabbed robin and ran over to the corn maze. you let go of her hand when you realized that it might look weird to other people nearby. she pouted a bit but you didn't notice.

you were so excited that you started running around looking for the best route to find your way out. robin wandered off a bit, looking at all the cool decorations and the scare crow that she found. you were still looking hard for an exit. left, left, right, left, straight, right, and..why was robin being so quiet?

somewhere in the maze, robin was starting to freak. all the corn looked the same and..hasn't she already passed this part? she just wanted to find you and get out. she ran around the paths frantically, desperately trying to get out. everything looked the same. it was dark and the decorations were motion censored so they kept going off as she ran. high pitched witch cackling, zombie noises, the typical halloween noises filled her ears. it felt like they were all going off at once. she had been running around for about 5 minutes until she broke down.

robin plopped herself down onto the dirt floor and started sobbing quietly. there was an intense pressure in her head as the noises filled her ears and the stress of being lost overcoming her as she rocked herself back and forth. with one hand she fiddled with her fingers, her shirt, the zipper on her jacket, anything she could find to fidget with. with the other hand she started tapping her knee. her sobs started to get louder.

somewhere else in the corn field, you look behind you as you stand at the exit of the corn maze, expecting to see the tall girl behind you, but she's not there. you felt your stomach drop. she could be anywhere in here. then you hear it. you hear crying and kicking and loud noises that aren't distinguishable, but you guess that theyre the decorations. you rush over to the sound. hoping that if it was robin that she's okay and nothing happened to her.

when you find her she's sitting on the floor, kicking the dirt with one leg and covering her ears. your heart breaks at the sight but you immediately walk over to her. slowly, to not overwhelm her any more than she already is. you sit next to her and hold your hand out to her. you didn't know if she wanted to be touched so you held your hand out so she could tell you without having to speak.

robin grabbed your hand and you rubbed circles in her palm for a minute. you held up 5 fingers and started doing a breathing technique. she followed along and stopped kicking. then you placed your hand lightly on her knee and tapped once, you had already established codes with each other for times like these. 1 thumb tap was asking if the other was okay. 2 taps with your thumb meant yes. 3 meant i love you, and 1 open hand tap meant no.

with robin, this was necessary. she would go nonverbal during her meltdowns and you didn't want to overwhelm her more by bombarding her with questions she had to verbally respond to.

robin tapped your hand that she was holding 2 times with her thumb, letting you know she was okay. she collapsed her head onto your shoulder and you wrapped an arm around her. "you wanna talk about it robs?" you asked now that she had calmed down a bit.

"got lost. couldn't find you." she said while sniffling.

"im so sorry robs, i promise i will never ever let this happen again. im so sorry."

"s'okay..just glad you're here. that was embarassing" she chuckles sarcastically.

"you have nothing to be embarrassed about my love. here," you stand up, offering her your hand. "let me make it up to you. cheer you up a little!" then she finally smiles up at you and takes your hand.

you hold her hand the rest of the way, not caring who saw. since you had found the exit before you ran to robin, it was a clear shot. you made sure to remember where it was. you quickly dragged her out of there and she let out a sigh of relief. "thank you (y/n)." she whispered shyly to you.

you smile at her before pulling her to the snacks once again. you find a quiet and secluded bench and tell her to sit there and wait for you. you go to the cashier and ask for 2 candy apples, peanuts on one (robin likes crunchy foods). you pay for both and head back over to robin with a big smile on your face. "here robbie!" you say as you extend the peanut candy apple to your pretty girlfriend. she giggles and thanks you and bites into her apple. the crunchy texture is soothing to her.

"im sorry again robs..i feel so bad."

"sweetheart, it's okay! i got a candy apple out of it, im good!" she says back to you, but when you give her a pout, she knows you feel genuinely upset about it. "seriously, im okay hun. those stupid decorations just were so..LOUD and..ANNOYING!! they wouldn't turn off no matter where i went and..i just got ahead of myself. it's not your fault. i wandered off. i can admit that. you got us out! got me out. and you got me this candy apple, and remembered to get peanuts! it..means a lot to me." she rambled and you listened to every word.

you hug her tight and she smiles into your shoulder. she lets go of the hug after a while to eat her apple.

"(y/n)..?" she calls you softly after finishing her apple. you give her your attention and she speaks again, "can we go get a pumpkin now?" and you both start giggling. it wasn't especially funny at all, but you were just so happy that your girl felt better.

after the pumpkin patch you went to her house and stayed over. you let her cuddle into you and fall asleep on your chest:)


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