Too small

61 7 3

I hate shopping
you hear that and think what? Your a girl, all girls love shopping
Not me
Not any girl who has to immediately reach to the back of the rack to get the clothes in the size she needs
Or just standing in a store that you know doesn't carry anything in your size because your friends want to
Or when your mom pleads with you to "just try it on" when it's 2 sizes too small
Or going in to GAP and having to dig through the piles of jeans to the bottom Messing up the rest on the way
Feeling embarrassed having to try something on and sucking on your stomach so you can button them
Shopping makes me feel huge
Seeing those double zeros and knowing that I will never be that
Having to walk to the back of the store just to get to the "curvy girl" section
No girls should have to fantasize about being skinny

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