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"What is going on here?" Rohit asked

"Hi Ro!" Anisha said a bit scared. They were almost caught.

"What was all this? Huh?"

"Ro, calm down. I can explain." Mahi said

"Explain what bhai? From when were you two in a relationship?"

"Ro listen. From 5 months. We had to keep it hidden, you know Vi bhaiya he would have never allowed."

"Did you try asking him? What do you think when he finds out that all these months you were secretly dating and kept lying to him he is going to be calm? Won't he get angry?"

"Ro look, I was scared at that time. We thought when the right time comes we will tell him. We are going to tell himRo"

"When Anisha? When?"

"I need time Ro. I will tell him sooner."

"How much ever I support you two, you shouldn't have hidden from him Ani, he is already dealing with so many things."

"I know Ro. Please try to understand. I will tell him pakka."

"This is not done Anisha. You know how upset he is going to be after he finds out his baby sister is hiding things from him?"

"I know Ro, he is going to be super upset but try to understand Ro that time I was super scared to tell him. We thought we will tell him thoda later"

"You know na why he is so strict with you? He is very protective when it comes to you. He is scared to loose you and you know the reason why. He loves you Anisha even if he is strict or scolds you. He is going to be hurt."

"I understand Ro, I will tell him na. You don't say anything please." She had tears in her eyes.

"Ro look, I understand you are upset. We are sorry for hiding. I know we should have told him, but then the situation was not very good. We promise we will tell him."

"I hope you do soon. Think about it both of you."
And he left.

Anisha let out a sigh.
She was sick, and now Virat and Ro were upset.

"Ughhhh god. Why is this so complicated?"

"Ani, baby look, it will be okay. We will tell him. Don't worry."

"Please Mahi, why did you even come?"

"What's wrong with you? I came to meet you."

"You shouldn't have come."

"Why shouldn't have I come. I wanted to meet you."
Mahi was shocked and confused to hear all this.

"If you wouldn't have come Ro wouldn't have come to know. He wouldn't be upset."

"Is it so wrong to just wish to meet the person you are dating or in love with? IS IT SO WRONG TO EXPECT THAT?" Mahi yelled loosing his cool.

"IT IS NOT WRONG ! IT ISN'T ! You have to understand the situation. Imagine if it was bhai, we would have been dead."

"You just care about his feelings. For once understand my feelings too. Care about my feelings too. You always have nakhra when it comes to meet me. Just say it na it you don't want to meet."

"You are taking it the other way ! I didn't mean it. And I don't have any nakhra meeting you."

"Oh please. Is it that you have lost interest in me? Huh? That you don't wanna meet?"

"It's nothing like that."

"Leave it Anisha, you don't want to meet me, it's okay. I get it. Bye Anisha."
He left hurt, angry and sad.

Anisha was irritated as she was sick and Ro and Vi were upset on her. She took her anger and irritation out on Mahi. And he took it the other way!

Anisha rested her head on the head rest and closed her eyes !

Here is the update guys ! Hope you like it!


muktiikyyy IctloverGiVa. Thank you so much for the help with the plot

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