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Rohit was digesting the information. He went to Vi's room were he saw Virat still snuggling to Mahi.

"Bhai, I need to talk to you." Ro said

"Say na Ro."

"Come out na for a second."


Mahi started to free himself and get up, but Virat held him more tight.

"Don't go na." He said with puppy eyes which have never been able to resist.

"Don't do that Cheeku. Let me go. I will be back bacha."


"Haan bachaa promise."

He left reluctantly. Mahi eyed Anisha to sit with him.

Anisha sat beside him holding his hand. Virat looked at her moist eyed and shifted his head on her lap and hugged her by her waist. Anisha patted his head.

Ro's room

"Bhai I talked to Yash."

"What did he say?"

"There is no gang. It was demolished a few years ago."

"So Gaurav is not part of the gang as we were thinking it to be. Then why is he doing all this?"

"To take revenge from Vi."

"From Cheeku? But why? Then why is he after Anisha?"

"Gaurav had a sister called Arya, she was madly in love with Vi but he didn't love her. Once she saw Virat with Anushka and got mad. As Virat didn't listen to her repetitive pleadings and Gaurav also tried talking to him. He didn't budge. Due to this she killed herself and Gaurav being a protective brother couldn't bear this and decided to have revenge."

"So to make Virat feel the pain he went through of loosing a sister he is trying to kill Anisha?"

"Yes bhai."

"We need to find him quick. Before he does more harm."

"Haan bhai. They are working on it."

"Okayy. We will call Yash again to know more about the progress. Now go have some rest I will go back to Cheeku.

Mahi entered the room and saw Virat holding Anisha's hand and resting. As soon as he saw Mahi he held him and snuggled to him.

"Cheeku, get up, have your medicines and then sleep kiddo."

"No I don't want to have them. They taste dirty."

"You have to have them, to get better."

"I will get better without them also "

"No kiddo. Have it like a good boy."


"Virat have your medicines."

"No I won't."

"Are you a kid? Have them quietly."


"Virat have your medicines." He said a bit sternly now.

Virat made faces and had them without arguing much.

"That's like a good boy." He said and kissed his forehead.

"I am not talking to you."

"Why now."

"You scold me. "

"Awww. I am sorry. Now happy?" He said spread his arms

Virat threw himself in them and rested his head on his chest. Mahi held him protectively.

"Mahi?" Anisha started

"Yes Anisha?"

"Was Virat bhaiya always like this with you?"

"Yes. Always! He was always childish with me since the time he joined the team. When he was new to the team he just used to cling to me. He followed me everywhere. He tried to act mature. But once he fell sick and that's the time his childish self came out. He clinged on to me. Once he got fully settled he became a child around me. He became my favourite kid in the team."

Anisha smiled with moist eyes.

"For me he always was as strong as a rock. A very mature person. Strict yet caring. I used to get irritated with his overprotectiveness but I couldn't live without it either. I never saw this side of him. He always pampered me. He always made sure I was happy I am getting everything but not spoiling me in the process."

"In 2014 England tour, Virat had a bad time, he was doubtful of selections, he was depressed due to it. He used to stay with me half scared for his career, I encouraged him, motivated him. He made a wonderful comeback in Australia tour."

"So you both instantly had that connection."

"Yes, when he joined the team, I don't why and how I got so close to him that I was like I will protect this kid. This cute chubby little kid, would become so close to me one day my baby brother I never knew that then. He would become an important part of my life, I never thought." He smiled and looked at him who was sleeping like a baby holding him.

"It was my job to babysit Ro and Cheeku. In 2016 Virat had 8 stitches in hand and he played with it. I got so worried if he is fine. As our hotels were nearby he came to my room and I babysat him. He stayed with me the whole time. He was sleeping just like this. Mischievous kid, goofy, prankster."

"He is exactly the opposite with me. He shouts at me sometimes if I start acting childish and all. Always protected me, never let anything happen to me."

"Very protective of his closed ones. Anyone talked rudely with me he used start a world War there. He had almost started a fight when Jinks and Jaddu intervined and stopped before it could get worse. I scolded him a bit and not to repeat that again."
Anisha laughed at this and Mahi gave a questioning look to her.

"Sorry, so there is someone to scold him too. Otherwise he keeps scolding me."

"Haha yes."
They laughed a bit at this.

"Anisha?" He started after a while


"Umm the circumstances we were in were not good. Misunderstanding and everything led us apart. You not trusting me then I not trusting you created a divide. This made me realise how important you are to me. How much I care for you, love you. And you are the one thing I don't wanna loose. I wanna start fresh. Let's keep this behind us. I don't wanna loose you. You are very precious and important to me."

"Me too Mahi. Even I don't wanna loose you. Let's start fresh. I promise to trust you than anyone else. I promise never to repeat this."

"I promise to trust you. I promise to never behave rudely or ignore you. I promise to listen to what you have to say."

"I promise to stay with you no matter what."

"No one can break us till the time we are there for each other."

"They can never break us. I love you"

Anisha hugged Mahi and he hugged her back. She let out a few tears in the hug. They felt content with each other. They broke the hug. Mahi kissed her forehead softly and wiped her tears.

"No crying, your tears break my heart."

"I am not." She said and wiped her tears.

Virat was sleeping holding him on one side and Anisha slept resting her head on his shoulder and wrapping her arms around his arms on the other side.
Mahi felt happy that Anisha is slowly talking to him.
"I love you Ani" he whispered.

Updated guyss!!! Hope you liked it


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