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Next day Mahi got discharged. They took him home.
They made him lay down on the bed.

"How is your hand? Is it paining?" Anisha asked

"No, Ani it's not." He said smiling at her concern for him.

"Let's go outside let him rest. And we have to make some arrangements for food also. Masi is not here also."

They went outside and started to make arrangements for food.

"You and Ro go get some rest, I will take care of Mahi Bhai."

"No, I will do the job" Anisha said

"No I will do it." Ro protested

"Anisha, you have travelled enough. You must be tired go take rest. And Ro same applies to you, you ran errands in the hospital so go."

"No, it applies to you too. I am taking care of him."

"No I am."

This banter continued for a while, and they settled for Virat atlast.


"I am going to protect my Cheeku and Anisha. They are in danger. I can't let go. I have to protect them."

He quickly dialled his friend who was worked in CID.

"Hey Yash, it's Mahi speaking."

"Are Mahi, how are you buddy?"

"I am good. I needed help from you."

"Say na. How can I help you?"

"I want you to find out the owner of this bike  MH 12 XY 4578"

"But why Mahi?"

"He is dangerous. He attacked me and is following Virat and Anisha for a while now. He is after them so please."

"Sure Mahi. I will find, just give me some time."

"Thank you Yash."

"No problem buddy."
They cut the call.

Virat enters the room with his dinner.

"Cheeku, I can walk. My legs are not hurt."

"No bhai, you will take rest."


"No bhai. I am not letting you work unnecessary."

"Okay Cheeks."

They had their dinner.


"Yes Cheeks?"

"Are you sure about this. Your life is in danger too. He may try to hurt you in future too."

"I am sure about this. What you would have done in my place?"

He looked down realising he would have done the same.

"See, how do you expect me to leave my little brother and love of my life alone and save my own life."

Virat's eyes got moist.


Mahi opened his arms and Vi dashed into him. Mahi patted his head. And held him close.

"Don't cry now Vi."

"I can't bhai now. I want this to get over. It's too much to deal with it now."

"I know Cheeks. Everything will be fine soon. Trust me bacha."
He snuggled more.

It was the selection meeting the next day. Mahi had to sit out as he was injured. Virat was made the temporary Captain.

"Congratulations Cheeku. It your first time captaining for India. So proud of you."

"Thank you Bhai."

"You seem nervous."

"Yes Bhai. Will I be able to do it?"

"Yes Cheeku. You are going to be a fantastic Captain. Trust me on this. Don't pay attention to what people say. You are going to be just fine."

Vi hugged him.

"Bhai you have to come with us to tours."

"I am thinking not to."

"Come na bhai. Please na, it will boost my confidence if you are there." Showing puppy eyes, which Mahi has never been able to resist.

"Okay kiddo."

A week later they left for tour against England. India was the host.

Mahi and Anisha accompanied them to the stadium.
Mahi was with Anisha, didn't leave her alone. He kept protecting her. Anisha felt safe and protected with him.

India won the first match of T20i. Mahi couldn't help but be proud of his Cheeku.

After reaching the hotel, Mahi went and hugged Virat.

"So proud of you Cheeku."

"Thank you Bhai" he hugged him tight.

Anisha jumped on him startling and almost loosing his balance.

"Proud of you bhaiyaaaaa."

"Thank you Anisha."

They retired to their rooms as they were very tired.

Mahi was waiting for the response from his friend.

His phone rang it was Yash.

"Mahi yo, I found the owner of that bike."

"Who is it?"

"He is Gaurav Sharma, we have to still find out more about him. We have found the address, we will go see if he is there. And try to get some information from him."

"Okay Yash. Thank you so much."

"No problem buddy. Anything for you."

Mahi kept thinking who this person is.

Here is the update guys. Hope you liked it!!


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