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Anisha hugged Virat tight. Virat was confused now why she was scared and what had happened?

"Ani bacha what happened?" She held more tight.

"Ro? What's wrong?"

"Vi, we had gone to BKC for dinner. After that we were strolling as our stomachs felt heavy, there was a man following us. He followed us for a while. She is scared because of that man."

Virat held her tightly. "Bacha don't worry. I am there na. No one can harm you bachaa. I am here kiddo calm down." He kissed on her hairs.
Anisha felt relieved and much safer in his arms now.

"Anyways I will leave."

"Okay. Be careful!"

"Yes I will" he said and left.

"Bhai?" Anisha said looking up from the hug.

"Haan bacha?"

"Voh insaan idhar tak aa gaya toh?"

"Nahi ayega. Main hoon na."

"Pakka na?"

"Haan bacha pakka. Main hoon na idhar kiski kya himmat jo tujhe haath lagaye."
She smiled a bit at it.

"Now go freshen up and change. You look tired. Have some sleep you will feel better."

After changing and freshening up she went went to sleep.

"Good night bhai"

"Good night bacha."
She kept her head on Virat's chest wrapped her hands around him. Virat held her securing her.
She slept feeling safe in her brother's arms.

Next day morning Virat tried to free himself from her grip, but she clutched his shirt not letting him go.

"Bacha, let me go."

"Stay na please."

"I am going to washroom."

"But still stay na please."

"Okay bachaa."
She slept more comfortably.

He patted her head. He held her protectively.

They went to breakfast after freshening up. Anisha clinged to Virat the whole time.

Virat had to go for practice and Anisha was following him. He didn't want to leave her alon too.

"Ani? Do you wanna go to Ro's room or Mahi Bhai's room?"

"Can't I stay with you?"

"I have practice kiddo."

"I will go to Ro's. Come soon na please."

"Yes I will."

Virat dropped Anisha Ro's and went for practice.

"You okay?"

"Yes Ro."

"Sit let's watch movie and I will order something for us to eat."

"Okay. Although I ate."

"Eat again."

"Haha sure."

They spent the whole day together.

At evening when Virat returned from practice he saw Mahi on the way to his room.

"Bhai? You were going to come?"

"Yes Cheeks I was."

"Come na. I was at practice."

"Oh! I wanted to talk to you only actually."

"Me? Okay. What bhai? Anything wrong?" Asked Vi as they entered his room.

"Sort of. And btw where is Ani?"

"She is at Ro's. I had to go to practice and she didn't want to stay alone, even I didn't want her to stay alone after yesterday so."

"Yeah about that also I wanted to talk."

"What bhai?"

"First go freshen up and then we will talk."

"Okay Bhai." Virat was a bit confused with this.

Virat freshened up and sat beside Mahi.

"Bhai? What you wanted to talk about?"

"About the man following us yesterday. Anisha was scared and Ro seemed like to know who the man was."

Virat stared at him and debated with himself whether to tell or no.

Here is the update!!!!! Hope you like it.


And what do you guys think will Virat tell Mahi about him or keep it hidden from him? Do let me know.

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