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Vi was worried about the calls and everything. He decided to call Nush to let out his worries.


"Hey Vi! What's wrong? Everything okay?" Asked Nush

"No Nush no. I am scared Nush. That person is threatening me. He hurt Mahi now. What do I do? How do I protect my people? I tried talking to Mahi Bhai, warned him, but he said he won't leave us alone." Cried Vi.

"Vi, calm down. Everything was be alright. Why will Mahi Bhai leave you alone. I won't. No one will. Try to see yourself from his point of view na. If I was in trouble someone threatening me, won't you do everything to protect me?"

He nodded in yes.

"Then? How come will he leave his younger brother and his girlfriend alone knowing they are in trouble?"

"You are right Nush. I am scared Nush. What if he does something to you or Bhai or Ani or Ro?"

"He won't Vi. Now concentrate on your matches. We are here with you always. Anyways I have to go for my shot. I love you bye."

"I love you too. Bye Nush."
They cut the call. Vi felt relieved after talking to her.

Just then Rah with Kulcha barged in.

"What is it Rahuliya Kul and Yuzi? You could come slowly na?"

"Stop calling me that. And we won't. You don't spend time with us these days." Rahul said complaining.

"It's nothing like that kiddo. I am just caught up in some stuff. And I will call you Rahuliya."

"What stuff bhaiya?"

"Nothing kiddo. It's something really personal, I don't wanna talk about it. I will tell you maybe later. Sorry kiddo."

"It's okay Bhai. Tell when you are comfortable."

"Thank you Rah for understanding."


"Yes Rah?"

"Can we go for lunch? Anisha can also come. I will ask Ro bhai also."

"Sure Rah. Anisha is with Ro only go ask. Ro I think he has some plans with Ritika, still ask."

He went to Ro's room.

"Hey Ro"

"Hey Rah, What's up?"

"Are you free for lunch. I was thinking you me Vi Anisha could go for lunch."

"Actually Rah, I have a date planned with Ritika you 3 go."

"Sure Ro?"

"Yes Rah."

"Anisha you coming?" He asked her seeing her coming from the balcony.


"For lunch, you me and Virat. I asked this person here but he has some date."

"Sure Rahul. Ofcourse his girlfriend is coming na, why would he come with his friends na." Anisha said teasingly.

"It's nothing like that Ani." Ro said fake angry.

"Sure Ro."

"Never mind, Anisha, he forgot us, it's okay. We will enjoy." Rah pretended hurt.

"You are right Rahul, we will enjoy"

"Stop it both of you. Now get lost."

"Nope Rohitaaaaaa" Anisha teased.

"Anishaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" he screamed and started to chase her.
Rahul stood and admired their bond, he laughed as he got free entertainment.

He threw a pillow at her which hit her, "you are dead." She scowled.
She picked up that pillow and threw at him and he dodged. He teased her at this.
Soon started the pillow fight. One pillow hit Rahul, he too joined the fight.
This continued for a while, and both hit Ro at once and Ro gave them a death glare and Rah and Anisha ran from there towards Vi's room, almost knocking Mahi off, and Ro ran behind them.

They barged in the room, and locked the door.

"WTH both of you! Come slowly na, why are you locking the door?"

"Open the door, you can't hide there." Shouted Ro.

"Nah" Anisha shouted back.

"What is going on?" Vi asked all confused.

"Nothing Bhai."

Virat went to open the door. Rohit came inside.

"You both are dead."

Anisha ran behind Virat.

"Vi, don't you dare take her side now."

"What is happening will you guys tell me."

"Nothing, we were pillow fighting and we sort of teamed up and now he is taking his revenge."
Virat face palmed.
Rohit went towards them.

"Enough three of you. And Ro you have a date, go get ready, don't keep her waiting."
Rohit made faces and went from there.

Rahul and Anisha burst out laughing. Virat shaked his head.

Rahul, Anisha and Virat left for lunch.

Yash had gone to to search Gaurav's house to search. But he couldn't find much.

"Hello Mahi, we searched Gaurav's house, we couldn't find much. Not even his photo. We will ask the neighbours and send you his photo. We are investigating and will let you know once we know more."

"Thanks Yash will do."

Yuzi, Kuli and Rah gathered in Vi's room.
Vi excused himself and went to balcony to attend Nush's call.

"Who was it bhai?" Anisha asked as he saw him smiling.


"Really? Tell who it was. Or I will complaint to Mahi."

Harry and Yuzi too join her in that, which shocks Vi and Anisha

"You are too busy, you don't give us time. We will complaint to Mahi Bhai about this." Harry said

"I am not busy okay."

"Yes you are."
Just then Mahi entered.

"Bhaiiiiiiiiii" Harry squeled.

"Yes Harry?"

"This Vi bhaiyaa is busy too much. He doesn't give us time."

"Yes bhai, Harry is right." Kuli joined Harry.
Virat was looking at them widening his eyes, they teamed up against him. And Anisha was enjoying the show.

"Don't trouble my Cheeku." He said
Virat's face gave 440 volt smile and jumped on him poking his tongue at everyone.
Mahi held him close.

"You always take his side, bhai" Harry whined.

"He will na he loves me more."
Harry whined at it.
They chatted for a while.

A message popped up on his phone from Yash, he excused himself to balcony. Unknown to him Anisha was following him

It was photo from Yash, he sent Gaurav's photo to him.
He opened the photo and was looking at the photo when Anisha asked
"Who is this in the photo?" Which shocked Mahi.

Updated finally!! Hope you guys liked it.


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