I: Work For The Crowned Prince

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I: Work For The Crowned Prince

Third POV

It was a relatively peaceful and bright noontime in the kingdom of Xynia. A well-known kingdom for its riches and its powerful army. With a total population of 2.6 million all scattered around the beautiful lands, it'd only make sense for the kingdom to be ruled by people just as perfect.

Unless directed otherwise by the people, the appointing for the king and queen would be passed down from parent to child.

Enter in, Queen Mitsuki and King Masaru Bakugo. the 12th generation as they both came from long lines of full-blooded royalty.

They only had one son, a fawned-over boy who grew to be an incredible swordsman and who was one of the points of pride and joy of the kingdom from both women and menfolk.

Along with the Queen and King; there was the royal advisor formally known as the strongest head commander for their army, known as Toshinori Yagi, but to those not close to him, his name was All Might.

Well-loved by the royal family and regular villagers; despite his entire background being far overshadowed and untalked about, most people knew he had an adopted son.

Toshinori and his son lived within the separate area of the citadel; the commanding place of the kingdom of Xynia besides the royal palace, where only the upper class or royal household would reside.

. . . Presently . . .

In a quaint cottage like abode, a boy named Izuku Midoriya, was carrying out freshly washed laundry.

His nimble fingers picked up each article of clothing before hanging them up on the clothing line.

He adjusted the sleeves on his plain white shirt, wiping away the small beads of sweat on his forehead.

He'd been up since early morning, even before his guardian so he could make them a breakfast before they went about their daily tasks.

The wind swept past; a rather refreshing breeze thought the boy.

Standing at 5'6, he had thick, curly short green locks, that he usually pushed back with a band. His skin was a bit pale but it was decorated with clusters of freckles and barely had any scars considering he mainly did housework.

He carried a awry smile on his pink lips and despite how skinny he was, the hand-me-downers he wore from his stepdad made him appear to be bigger than reality. Beneath the baggy cloth, he had a rather curvaceous body.

The sounds of thundering hooves, drew his large viridian doe eyes to the winding path that cut through the citadel.

His eyes followed three purebred Friesian horses come through, along with two bloodhound dogs.

The riders Izuku had partly recognized; one was the crowned prince and the other two were his supposed entourage of a kind.

His eyes followed them as they hooted and jeered, taking a guess that they'd probably would be gone the entire day only to return with a bunch of dead livestock.

The second they'd disappeared into the distance, Izuku picked up the woven clothes basket and headed back inside.

Inside the home he moved busily, both cooking and cleaning as he went along, just so he'd have enough time to drop off food to the castle for his guardian before returning back.

When he was ready, he tied on a royal blue cloak and slipped on proper shoes before heading out of his home. Per usual, he waved hello to his neighbors and to the little kids that he'd watch from time to time.

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