XIV: Gamble

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XIV: Gamble

Third POV

Izuku felt dull after Katsuki had left him standing there in the temporary chamber. Feeling like he'd stood in that single spot looking helpless as ever.

By the time Izuku had gained the courage to leave and go get started on his daily chores, he felt his vision become blurry with tears.

Izuku's voice was quiet; nothing louder than a meek whisper,

"And if I don't give you the answer we both want to hear?"

Katsuki's gaze flickered to dull and emotionless,

"I'll abandon you."

What Katsuki had said hurt him more than ever, what's worse is that this was what Izuku should've  wanting.

So why'd the idea of a permanent resignation from the Prince scare him so bad?

He exited the chambers after wiping away his sorrow before he headed to the Avania castle's grand hall where the celebration set up was taking place.

. . .

Meanwhile, out into the forest, Todoroki, Kirishima and Kaminari watched as Katsuki took down animal after animal with unfathomable rage.

Normally he'd do one slice then move on, but these attacks were just brutal.

"Bakugo, are you okay?" Todoroki attempted to ask, never seeing the Prince so upset before, "This wouldn't be because of Midoriya, right?"

"Shut up." Katsuki responded quite agitatedly, as he took another jab at the already dead deer, hitting a major artery as some of its blood splattered onto Katsuki's cheek.

Fitting with the crazed look in his eyes.

"I shouldn't have given him that option... what the hell am I going to do he goes against it?"

God he was so mad at Izuku, and he was always only seconds away from snapping at the maid but then Izuku would have the nerve to look at him with those big green, watery yet still so mesmerizing eyes.

And suddenly Katsuki could no longer go against him.

If only Izuku knew the effect he had on the Prince right now.

"Yknow it sucks," Kaminari suddenly stated, "Ever since the the spring of Selene all of can see it but somehow you and Midoriya can't see it."

"Oh? And what exactly aren't we seeing?" Katsuki snarled, slowly turning over with his pupils dilated, wanting Kaminari to take the hint and shut up as he previously requested for Todoroki to do so.

Slowly backing behind Kirishima for immediate protection, Kaminari gave a look towards Todoroki, someone who wasn't as afraid of the man.

"You two have the same look in your eyes, like you either wanna fuck or kill each other." Todoroki stated for Kaminari.

Huh, it was that obvious to everyone else.

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