XI: Like That

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XI: Like That

Third POV

As planned, they's arrived to the wonderous kingdom known as Avania, that was heavily revered for it's different temperatures. To the east it was much warmer, but to the west it was cooler.

Immediately after arriving, Izuku and Katsuki had separated as Izuku was asked to stay in the maid chamber while Katsuki was placed in the west wing guest rooms.

They didn't even talk since the morning they both woke up, as neither of them had the nerves to try and communicate with the others about the emotions and tension that arose last night.

Maybe it was for the best.

They'd get the time to cool off and gather their thoughts before this evening when the large signing celebration was to be held.

. . .

Right now Izuku was currently talking to the man he'd spotted with Prince Todoroki. Apparently his name was Knight Sero of Damaria.

To say this man was a wild card would be an understatement for Izuku.

He was so enthusiastic yet had a peculiar sarcastic side to him.

Not trying to assume anything, but Izuku could understand why someone like Sero attended the council meeting the other day.

"So, You and Prince Bakugo huh," Sero spoke, "What's he like? I've only heard rumors about him."

Izuku shifted from foot to foot, he'd experienced many sides of Katsuki so it was hard to describe the man.

"Well, I honestly don't know." izuku shrugged, "In the past few weeks I've been his maid I've seen him go from temperamental, to at ease and even showing concern for someone like me after I got attacked by some rag tag thugs."

He then ran a hand through his hair, "And what about Prince Todoroki? I couldn't help but notice the both of you during the last meeting."

He watched Sero give him a look, "Prince 'Roki can be a bit blunt and his social skills are in the need of a make over."

"He spent majority of his life in the castle doing training and learning to achieve what his father, King Enji couldn't do, so there's a bit of tension between him and his parents."

Izuku slowly nodded, "It must be hard for him i'm sure."

Sero adjusted the bag of chainmail on his shoulder, "It is but he's definitely getting somewhere as of recently. That's why he's a bit eager to finally be crowned so he'll have a chance to regain what he's missed."

"Now Cmon, let's gets this stuff clean." He urged, "Are you sure it's just his sword though?"

Izuku looked down to see Katsuki's unsheathed sword that he loved from the bottom of his heart, so much so that Izuku was positive the man would try to rip his head off if anything were to happen to it.

"Mhm." Izuku nodded.

. . . Meanwhile . . .

In the current throne room of Castle Avania, Katsuki bowed in the presence of Queen Rei and King Enji who sat calmly on their thrones.

To the side stood Crowned Prince Shoto, who was just so ready for this meeting to be over seeing how his dad had been a pain his backside the entire time as they waited for Prince Katsuki to show up.

"It is an honor to be your presence, you royal hignesses." Katsuki gently bowed, also completely over this.

He hated sucking up to people, but he just had to get through this before he could finally create the full peace treaty.

"I hope all is well back in Xynia and you had a safe journey." Queen Rei spoke rather quietly as Katsuki nodded.

"We'll be expecting you and your finest knights this evening to finalize the treaty, then next tomorrow it's the small dinner before you have to set off back home." Enji spoke up rather gruffly, still eyeing Katsuki with an unimpressed expression.

"Shoto, if you don't mind, please escort Katsuki to where the council room is." Rei kindly asked, as her son moved from the second step and down to ground level telling Katsuki to follow him.

As they walked through the halls, Todoroki could only try to initiate small talk with the blond, but of course he was never interested.

"...Is that serving boy of yours here?" Todoroki suddenly asked, making Katsuki side eye him heavily.

"Izuku is here, but why is that your concern?" Katsuki retorted, "Your dad looks like he'd literally explode if he found out you were making buddy buddy with someone who isn't high class."

Todoroki nodded, knowing what Katsuki was saying wasn't the hard truth, "True, but ever since I met him I can't stop thinking about him."

Feeling the subtle shift in aura from Katsuki he shook his head, "Not like that. Though how I feel about him should be your concern either, unless you like him like that?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes in defeat, simply telling the other prince to shut up.

They both went quiet for a moment, before Katsuki asked a question.

"Something feels off about this place." He muttered, turning over to see Todoroki's split bangs over shadow his face as his head bowed.

"Mh, as of recently there's been more bandit attacks and some of our patrollers aren't returning back." Todoroki responded solemnly, "I don't know if the subtle shift in the area is due to the fact that our parents are close to stepping down but still..."

Katsuki adjusted his golden wrist cuff, "I'm not in the mood for mindless games; so in the chance we need to go all out will you be ready?"

Todoroki looked over, "When am I not?"

While there might have been a subtle rivalry between the two, one thing was for sure that they could be brash and take out foes with ease.

Looking out ahead near the grand staircase, emerging from one of the back rooms were Izuku and Sero.

They looked to be getting along quite well unlike the princes they were currently serving for, as Sero was the one to notice the Prince were staring.

"Hey 'Roki!" The man waved, making Izuku spot Katsuki who stared directly at him.

All Izuku wanted was for the earth to split open and erase his entire existence.

As the princes headed over to them, Izuku felt himself wanting to hide behind the rather lanky knight.

As Todoroki and Sero divulged in their own conversation, Izuku gently handed Katsuki back his sword.

"How're you feeling now?" Katsuki carefully examined the bandage around Izuku's forehead, staring down into the boy's eyes.

"Better, thank you for asking." Izuku responded, as he was then pulled in closer to Katsuki's body.

"I need to talk to you later this evening, so meet me in my room." Katsuki whispered, watching goosebumps form on the boy.

"...Yes Sir."

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